COVID Humbug! (2022 edition)

And yet they didn’t have any trouble at all funding a massive booster rollout shortly afterwards.

Realistically, supplementation doesn’t appear to work especially well. But there doesn’t seem to be any reason to not do it. It’s cheap and it’s at least moderately effective. It literally has no downside.

Move over, BoJo! :clown_face:

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The sanctimoniousness is strong with this one.

LOL. They’re going to give it to the WEF?

Aaaaand the WEF/climate change/let-them-eat-bugs bollocks continues apace, with the NHS keeping up their impressive record of putting out the best-quality propaganda:

Just to be clear, I don’t have a problem with people eating “plant based” food. I eat (and grow) plenty of vegetables. I’m just not on board with the cynical use of a medical scare story to push a largely-incorrect narrative about agriculture, pollution, and ecological issues.

The question as always the media never ask (or many people) - why weren’t they afraid of the virus?

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It’s just $49,300,000,000 USD, no big deal.

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Good to see some populations starting to critically challenge…


Smoking may lag behind general air pollution, but it still puts in a good performance every year, besides leaving a glorious legacy! :rainbow:

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Totally agree… this is universal amongst ‘the privileged’

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I wonder why he and others investigated did it?
He could have had his own doctor inject saline as I believe tens of thousands of those with influence across the planet have done already.


The word after “under” is “five”. :baby:

“the findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side-effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals”


Tl/dr: They are “fully vaccinated” but didn’t know they had to download an app just for re-entry to their own country (not to be confused with the everyday app for restaurants and stuff). They got sent to quarantine for longer than people who actually have covid are supposed to be quarantined. Science! :rainbow:


Interesting piece:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: No context

So, @finely, here we are in 2022, and we were both wrong. Doug Ford got re-elected, with a majority of seats (41% of the popular vote with a record-breakingly pathetic 44% voter turnout).

And yet I was not wrong about this part:

People “on both sides” will nag him about his handling of Covid, for sure, but refusal to endorse vaccine passports will be a footnote for most people (though some of his right and/or libertarian leaning supporters who will hold it up as an example of his awesomeness, and the more extreme germophobes will try to use it against him, unsuccessfully).

Throughout the campaign, the four mainstream parties scarcely mentioned covid at all, except for the issue of long term care homes (basically the question of whether or not the government was to blame for their high death rate, by way of general incompetence).

It was as if they had a gentleman’s agreement not to debate the mandates/passports, because they all knew they would alienate some voters by appearing to have a “soft on covid” position and alienate other voters by getting vocal about bringing back the mandates.

The more noticeable of the non-mainstream parties made a big deal about this stuff, but of course they weren’t invited to the debates. And they lost, completely.

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Those who complied fully with The Great Experiment are finding that life isn’t as rosy as they expected.

@yyy : who is Steven del Duca, and why does he think channeling Dr Evil is a good idea? Is it a WEF thing?

Genuinely surprised Ford succeeded, but as you say maybe he achieved that by carefully avoiding trigger words.

In good news… full opening is nigh! :banana:

Sounds fun. A mask enforcer following you around.

Some people just are the way that they are. :idunno:

Is it a WEF thing?

Ask Discobot.