COVID Humbug! (2022 edition)

No, no, you misunderstand. Read that first verse again. Comrade F is just suffering from years of repressed hippiedom, but finally it’s socially acceptable in the circles he moves in to hold hands and sing songs of universal love and cosmic consciousness! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rainbow:

It’s a bit more basic than that. When the world stands at the edge of the abyss, you join hands with whoever is prepared to step back.

Yeah yeah. I’ll see you at Woodstock LV. :peace_symbol:

Every week there is another one it seems:

Some data here:

A familiar narrative:


…more information pours out of the Project Veritas leaked military documents, there appears to be a damning section in support of Ivermectin as a Covid-19 treatment.

“Ivermectin (identified as curative in April 2020) works throughout all phases of illness because it both inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response.”

Ooops… the powers that be didn’t see that coming


CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky’s appearance on Monday’s Good Morning America, however, may destroy that delightful emotional castle in which leftists have immured themselves.

Walensky has acknowledged that, when it comes to vaccinated people who still died from COVID, almost 80% of them had one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel:

“The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities. So, really, these are people who were unwell to begin with. And yes, really encouraging news in the context of Omicron; this means not only just to get your primary series but to get your booster series. And yes, we’re really encouraged by these results.”

The study, from the CDC, says: “Among 1,228,664 persons who completed primary vaccination during December 2020–October 2021, severe COVID-19–associated outcomes (0.015%) or death (0.0033%) were rare. Risk factors for severe outcomes included age ≥65 years, immunosuppressed, and six other underlying conditions. All persons with severe outcomes had at least one risk factor; 78% of persons who died had at least four.”

Something worth repeating here:
"The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities. So, really, these are people who were unwell to begin with.

Four fricking comorbidities.

And some people here still want masks, lockdowns, quarantines, no food for un-vacinnated, and other fun things placed upon society.


LOL. Funny and accurate.

And there are still people who go along with it all as it it’s real.

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Not mentioned in that article is that only about 1% of COVID deaths were a bolt from the blue (ie., no comorbidities, COVID was the sole cause of death). And I have a strong suspicion that some of those deaths were “death by doctor”, perhaps caused by invasive ventilation where it wasn’t necessary. I’m thinking here of that politician (State governor?) who died “of COVID” back in 2020 after being intubated.

It’s mad how these people are now stating publicly what the “conspiracy theorists” were being mocked for. I’m trying to figure out why. Do they think it’s time to dial back on the lying in order to salvage their careers? Are they just aware now that they can tell the truth and it doesn’t matter - a sizeable number of people will still go out and get their boosters and get their Kennkarte updated?

How does one even have “four comorbidities” and remain alive under normal circumstances? And why weren’t they telling people to get those diseases under control way back in 2020?


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I’ll say it again, it’s a total scam.

That is what I said when I saw them at the G7 meeting. With the queen in attendance. Why aren’t they scared?


The UK government’s response to the whole pandemic is just like in the movie Don’t look up. They didn’t take it seriously at first then overnight decided to use it for political gain, all the while breaking their own rules with their little drinks parties and illegal private trips from London to Scotland. Then the ex health minister caught snogging his bird and having to resign.

Psychopath Gates won’t like this.

In France there was a claim that if you have been jabbed, your life insurance is useless.
Elderly man with lots of life insurance (millions) for his family’s benefit dies from covid jab (not disputed by the doctors, nor his life insurers). Insurance company refused to pay out because the taking of experimental drugs, treatments, etc., is excluded from the policy. The family take the insurance company to court, but lose. The judge states, “the experimental vaccine side effects are publicised and the deceased could not claim not to have known about them when he voluntarily took the jab. There is no law or mandate in France which forced him to be jabbed. Therefore, his death is essentially suicide”.

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Well, at least everyone recognizes this could have been over in a few months if we had let nature take its course and we’d have been better off for it.

The insurance case is unconfirmed – the guy says he read it on a lawyer’s facebook page – but it’s 100% plausible. :2cents:

This is not the first time such rumors come up.

Insurance companies (USA) even felt like issuing a statement against such rumors:



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I’m also suspicious of stuff that appears on facebook, and personally I doubt there are many insurers (if any) who will take this tack unless or until it becomes apparent that vaccines kill a lot of people. But the statement you mention doesn’t relate to the claim being made here.

Cake’s insurance company denied a payout on the basis of a policy (and they are entitled to draw up their own policies/contracts however they like, within certain constraints). The judge, supposedly, upheld the refusal to pay our on the basis that the policyholder had willingly participated in a medical experiment with known risks. Which is true. The judge probably couldn’t mention the coercion that had been applied because he wasn’t there to rule on constitutional matters, only the very narrow question “was the insurance company in breach of contract?”.

Your statement suggests merely that American and British life insurance companies don’t take vaccination status into account in their policies. Different countries, different laws, different consensus on policy. It’s possible that they are not permitted to discriminate on the basis of vaccination status - who knows, perhaps the government has quietly offered to reimburse them for any claims that they suffer. Another possibility is that they know, in general, that vaccines make no difference to all-cause mortality for the majority of their customers, and therefore this policy is not going to affect their bottom line. Notice that their statement implies two things: 1) vaccines don’t kill people and 2) COVID doesn’t kill people. Or, equivalently: the risk of someone dying of a vaccine injury is about the same as their risk of dying of COVID, and both risks are small.

I would be interested to know how many of the people whose deaths are recorded in VAERS made a successful life-insurance claim. You’d think it would have made the news one way or another, wouldn’t you?

I do like this bit though:

“We’ve seen a surge of scams during the pandemic. It has provided the perfect opportunity for criminals to prey on confusion and the spread of misinformation.”

Indeed. We elected them in the first place, mugs that we are.

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I could not find anything that confirms such an court case insists in France. I assume it would have better coverage if it was true.

Rather some life insurance companies accept vaccinated, who otherwise would have been denied due to their health condition (not France).

TBH I agree with you. The poster could have supported their assertion by linking to the court documents, but perhaps there were personal-data issues involved.

I suspect governments would not allow this sort of thing to happen because it would undermine their vaccination push. Giving money to the financial industry to cover up malfeasance is par for the course, and if there are any vaccine-related claims, there’s surely a government pot of money to make the problem go away. IIRC Taiwan has something like this (it’s not secret).

The government had better hope that their claims about long-term safety turn out to be true.

I also think it’s fake. Or it’s a special circumstances life insurance. Doesn’t pay on conventional death.

E.g. only pays on accidental deaths.
What would be right now rather impossible. To get an insurance against death by unnatural cause pay out because of vaccine related deaths. I’m not sure how that would pan out. You can insure virtually anything, so there are bound to be some fringe cases.

For sure however not an insurance able to claim for he chose to murder himself by getting vaccinated, except if doctors advised against vaccination due to medical conditions, and patient insisted on getting vaccinated. Even then this would still pass as natural deaths and not suicide. It could cause an insurance against medical errors or similar to no pay however.

Various other outlets covering the EU announcement. Wonder what’s going on there?

My latest conspiracy theory is that, since omicron has thrown a big spanner in the works, the vaccine plan is untenable, so they’ll be prescribing molnupiravir to as many people as possible in the hope that it creates a new, dangerous strain of COVID. They can then crank up the vaccine machine all over again.

If molnupiravir is handed out as a prophylactic, it’s time to build a BSL4 facility in your basement, and hide there for a few years.

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