COVID Humbug! (2023 edition)

An Atlanta-based biotech company, Micron Biomedical, announced last week that it has successfully concluded the first-ever clinical trial testing of a microarray injection-free vaccine on children as young as 9 months old. This clinical trial was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

If that is true, all I can say is with the amount of money he has, he shouldn’t be doing things because they are mandated by a film company.

Apparently. these social media influencers who also pushed the jabs have cancer. Baffling.

Lock downs were useless as well as damaging.


They had to destroy the village to save it.

Supposedly there’s a bit of a tussle over the release of private debates regarding lockdowns and so on. Frankly, I think Hallett must be in on the game and is merely throwing up a bit of theatre. There’s absolutely no way she’s going to accuse the Eton set of anything worse than being a bit naughty.

I seem to recall this side effect being reported and ignored years ago now:

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It wasn’t exactly ignored, IIRC - it was aggressively struck down as “misinformation”, or accompanied by a fact-check banner. Women were told they were just being hysterical. Dunno why they’re bothering updating the side effects list now, though - the words “stable door” and “bolted” spring to mind.

Looked up that guy 原口一博, Kazuhiro Haraguchi. Apparently he has diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Doubt he’ll get anywhere trying to prove it was because of the magic vaccines, although coincidentally I’ve now known two people who died of cancer (in both cases so aggressive that they didn’t even suspect it until medical intervention was futile) within the last 18 months. Three if you count another acquaintance whose cancer was in remission and then returned. Coincidence? Could be. People get cancer all the time. But nobody’s checking.

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If cancer stats go out of whack it will be obvious, that much is for sure.

It probably won’t be obvious, because in the grand scheme of things the effect will be obscured by statistical noise. Let’s say 1 in 10,000 vaccinated people develop cancer where they would not have done otherwise; well, cancer is so incredibly common, it wouldn’t cause anything more than a slight blip in cancer mortality and no observable change in all-cause mortality, so TPTB can pretend it’s nothing to worry about. An extra half a million people developing cancer over (say) two or three years worldwide would not be “obvious”, for the simple reason that there are already 30 million new cases diagnosed every year, and 10 million or so deaths. And even if an increase were observed, it would be easy to dismiss this as coincidental. Yes, you could pick it out with more intelligent analysis - for example by observing shifts in types of cancer - but I can guarantee nobody is working on that or applying for funding to study it.

If if turns out to be worse than my hypothetical 1 in 10,000, the most likely outcome is that TPTB will simply ignore it and accuse people who mention it as being conspiracy theorists, idiots, or anti-semites - as they have done, repeatedly, with people like Andrew Bridgen every time he tries to mention the off-the-scale excess deaths in Parliament. Most of the vaccine side effects have been dealt with in like manner - either by constructing some figleaf of deniability (“young people get myocarditis all the time”), by not discussing it at all, or by claiming that “X million lives were saved” - with the implication that anyone who died as a consequence of vaccination was merely a regrettable but necessary sacrifice.

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I find it a little hard to believe that if something is happening the result will be a statistically insignificant difference across the board of all types of cancer. As horrible as any single case of cancer is (as I am unfortunately well aware, all is well now however), this will basically mean nothing significant happened. The current narrative leading to this discussion happening at all is “all these people are getting cancer!” which doesn’t square with that kind of statistical result.

There is a world of difference between “statistical significance” and clinical significance. The former is simply a rough-and-ready way of describing whether some observation may have arisen by chance.

One thing that really annoyed me about the whole COVID dumpster fire is that the vast majority of the world’s population have no facility with numbers - particularly large numbers - yet they all suddenly became experts on data science and statistics. If you have a wiggly line (a time series) representing cancer deaths, it’ll have a visible long-term trend with superimposed noise. Removing the noise amounts to low-pass filtering, which means you remove short-run events; therefore, if you filter that wiggly line to observe the trend, you’ll delete any step change caused by e.g., vaccination. If you don’t remove the noise, you can’t be certain that the same step change is just … well, noise. If, for example, you have an average of 30 million cases a year with a SD of 0.1 million, 0.1 or 0.2 million new cases a year amounts to maybe two standard deviations and is therefore suspicious, but hardly definitive proof that the COVID vaccination campaign caused a rash of cancer.

It doesn’t even help if you can observe an actual effect nice and clearly - let’s say you apply high-pass filtering, effectively deleting the baseline. But if you do that, the noise is still there, and you haven’t added any extra information that could help you ascribe causality. You’ve just got a very wiggly line with what looks like a bump in it, and you could find any number of hypotheses to explain the bump.

Underlying every noise-ridden measurement there might be a real effect, but without more sophisticated techniques to observe it, you can’t get at the truth; the ultimate reality, to which you don’t have accurate access, could be that hundreds of thousands of people are dying where they would not have done in the absence of medical experiments - and that would be clinically significant. It would be clinically significant even if there were only 20 such people in the whole world dying post-vax; in other words, it would be significant to them.

TL;DR the fact that you can’t easily measure something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or isn’t important. The science of measurement (and hypothesis-testing) is hard. Measuring small numbers in the real world is very hard indeed.

Attorney Aaron Siri is a true hero to anyone affected by vaccine injuries or involved in the medical freedom movement.

Everyone should view his 2-hour testimony on the failure of our federal health agencies. (1/4)

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I don’t recognize any of them and don’t want to, and to me it’s totally plausible that jabs contributed to cancer in every case.

But. There’s also this:

Just sayin’.

I always wonder if that guy gets people coming up to him in the street saying “hey Siri, switch the lights off in the bathroom”. But yeah, he’s been very tenacious. The thing that worries me at this point is that TPTB simply don’t care. They know they’re guilty as hell. And they know they’re untouchable; they’re quite literally beyond the reach of the Law. So it doesn’t matter what Siri says or how much evidence he has. They’ll just shout “Conspiracy theorist! Ha Ha!” and carry on with the next stage of shaping the reality they desire.

@yyy: people have been saying that for a while re. “long COVID”. It’s hard to fake cancer (although the girl in the article clearly had a good go) but it’s really easy to fake “brain fog” so you can have another six months off work. That’s not to suggest there’s no such thing as post-viral syndrome or possibly some sequelae that are unique to COVID, but I know not a single person who has had anything that could be described as “long COVID”- and yet, apparently 20% of Americans have it. Something just doesn’t stack up.

Long Covid is worse than stage 4 lung cancer. Fact!

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I do wonder how much of this crap is real but unrelated to COVID. Most studies have been unable to find any strong link between having “long COVID”, and having actually had COVID (or a serious bout of COVID). Obviously, then, it’s long something-or-other, but not long COVID. Is it psychosomatic? Stress and depression? Vaccine side effects (I’ve not seen a single study consider that possibility, despite a strong overlap in known symptoms)? Aliens?Chemtrails? Who knows? There seems to be an astounding amount of money being poured into this particular black hole, and precious little to show for it.

I’ve no idea. I’ve no experience of anyone who has died of/with Covid, or who has been hospitalised because of Covid, or who has long Covid. And I know a lot of old people. I’m a statistical outlier.