😷 COVID - Travel in Taiwan During Covid-19

Well it will work, but receiving calls will cost a lot of money.
Can I grab a SIM card at TPE airport and fill that form out after? Or do I have to present the form before getting to the SIM card area?

There is a very efficient line of CHT employees selling SIM cards. They will do everything, insert SIM card, make sure it works, and then off you go to the next [volunteer?] person who shows you where to go.

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Nope. As soon as you get off the plane you have to buy it from a guy at a desk. 1000nt.

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Alright, thanks guys. I hope there will be a 7 days package. Don’t need a 30 days package, since I want to buy a proper contract after receiving my gold card.

Just putting it here as it might get lost in the big Twn Dev’l thread:

Citizens/resident cardholders flying back to Taiwan do not need PCR test pre-flight starting after 7/14.

:balloon: :balloon: :fireworks:


Anyone who came to Taiwan lately: Do they check your PCR test result at TPE airport as well or just when checking in?
My (negative) result just came back, but there is only the date/time on the result when the test was taken, and not when they examinated it in the clinic. As far as I know, both dates have to be on the result. Will I run into problems? Or is one date fine?

2.If a COVID-19 RT-PCR test report presented by a traveler contains only the “test report date” without the “specimen collection date,” the report is not in compliance with the requirements, and the traveler will be penalized upon entry.


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Nobody checked my test result when I arrived about a month ago. They also didn’t check it when I arrived last time in November 2021. They only care about the result of the test that you give once in Taiwan already.


How long did it take for you guys to receive the saliva PCR result from the airport? Did you get a message on your phone?

How long it takes depends on how full your flight is. Might be 40-60 minutes if there are a lot of people, much less otherwise. There’s a queue for the actual test, but you don’t need to wait for the result, and I had no message indicating the result (although I suppose if it turns out positive you might get one). It apparently has no purpose now except to add to their case count. As soon as you’ve handed over your sample you can go.

Yeah I’m already in my quarantine apt. Just wondering because it has been about 24 hours since I did the test. But I guess as you said, if they do not send any message I assume it is negative.

About 4 days later by e-mail. Slower than 掛號.

Haha I hope they send it before quarantine ends😅
I didn’t put any email into a form I think.

They know how to find you. They’re watching you from that building across the way. :slight_smile:

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They can watch me do the helicopter, fine by me.

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Would like to know if people who recently got their Gold Card approved will need to take a PCR test before flying?

If you have the gold card already, then you are a resident, and shouldn’t need one according to the new rules. Not sure when the new rules come into effect though.

I have yet to pick up my Gold Card, although the government has given me the Resident Authorization Certificate. Presumably the later makes me a resident?

PCR test no longer required for certain groups entering Taiwan, starting July 14, 2022 “R.O.C. nationals, ARC holders, transit passengers to be *exempt from providing PCR test results within two days of their flight”

So travel to Taiwan is not allowed for tourists, right? My mom would like to visit. I guess I could go through the paperwork for that but it sounds like a nightmare. I would prefer to wait until the borders are open for tourists, unless that is months and months away.

I’m in the same boat.

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