COVID Work From Home Setups

Do you need a monitor, mouse and keyboard?

Or are you good with the keyboard and mouse in the pic?

Ideally a monitor only. The keyboard and mouse work fine :slight_smile:

I could put something together with an older i7 for $12000. Brand new 240 GB SSD.

The rest you can put towards the monitor of your choice.

How much RAM would that PC have?

I could put 16 GB for you.

Desktop i7s are miles ahead of the notebook CPUs. Twice the cores and more then twice the clocks for up to 4x performance. It won’t freeze.

You can test it out for a week. If it doesn’t work for you, no problemos we’ll reverse it.


I am working basically like that but with a portable table on my lap. I have a big Costco foldable table but the height is not that workable. Sitting on the sofa 8 hours a day is giving me cramps already.

Closest to a proper hard seat I have is a rattan sofa…

Oh and no air conditioning. Thank God for the rain.

BTW already got a lot of cat disrupting work. Yesterday, one just happened to tap the off button…