Craniosacral therapy

You piqued my interest to read up more on craniosacral therapy.

Thanks for that. Fascinating stuff!

There are many schools and lineages of craniosacral. And like any other modality, it’s not for everyone.
For those wanting to look a bit deeper on the specific format we will be learning and practicing, here are some links more directly related to what we’ll be doing.
This is the institute we are working through. And the teacher is Giorgia Milne
The Craniosacral Podcast is also a rich resource of who’s doing what, and what the results are.
Charles Ridley (founder of Dynamic Stillness) and Giorgia Milne have both been interviewed here, along with Hugh Milne, 4th generation osteopath. I worked with him from 2000 to 2009, before shifting to the biodynamic format taught by Giorgia. It is fascinating, and a very deep art. Not for everyone, but certainly available for those who resonate.

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I couldn’t listen to the full podcast, but am I correct in thinking that Dr Shawn Centers can “treat” autistic children using this cranial massage technique? And they became autistic because of traumatic childbirth?

He provides a link to Autism One. Are they an organisation I should be looking into?