Crap published books

Very dull reading…the show was infinitely better.

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Totally agree, Stephen King is pure pulp. Clive Barker’s short stories are WAY better.

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He seams to be getting the recognition he deserves now, which is good because at 70 years old I can’t see him going back to prostitution to make ends meet.

Idk why the show/books were never cancelled. From what I’ve heard there’s a ton of rape in them for no reason. It’s appalling.

It’s part of the full range of human experience…even in fantasy. Are you saying that difficult subjects should just be swept under the rug?


No. But the rape in this series is gratuitous and unnecessary. Lots of people have pointed this out.

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Stomping about with a sword? Maybe in Mongolia. Hardly a life experience for your average person though.

There’s a big difference between gratuitous male rape fantasy and educational content about the impact for rape victims. I haven’t seen Game of Thrones but I’m guessing you don’t see too much about the victims perspective.

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This from someone who’s never seen the show! :rofl:

Go back to watching Disney for rainbows and unicorns.

You guess wrong.

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Have you tried these?

These came to mind for being reasonably short and standing out as interesting from my youth.

Interestingly, I do not watch or read horror anymore. Just makes me uncomfortable, for some reason. As a teenager I read a lot of Stephen King.


I have seen a few episodes and I saw a lot of gratuitous nudity and rape.

The only gratuitous nudity is middle-aged German naturists at the beach.

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A few years ago I read The Nigger of the Narcissus by Joseph Conrad because I wanted to read something by a well-known author. Plus, the title intrigued me. But ye gods, I could barely get through Conrad’s writing style. He writes paragraphs that ramble on and on and take up literally a full page!

Luckily Heart of Darkness is really short. I struggled through Nostromo and Lord Jim when I was at university.

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If nudity is not relevant to the plot it’s gratuitous.

I don’t get why people hate Moby Dick. I’ve read it four times.


Puritanism is not dead!
Nothing gratuitous about nudity. It’s our natural state. Stop listening to religious zealots.


Did Tipper Gore hijack your account? :thinking:

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If the nudity is not sexualised then sure it is natural, which is almost never the case for female nudity in media.

So start a thread about it.

You must have missed the gay sex scenes? Maybe just fast forward through the hetero scenes like I did through the dude on dude ones?