💳 Credit Cards | Use of Taiwan issued credit cards abroad

Hello everyone. The next months it is expected that I will visit Hong Kong and main land china for several weeks. I want to ask if other one have experience to use a Taiwanese credit card specifically issues by Cathay united bank outside Taiwan. Will it work automatically or I need to visit the Bank to make an application and provide documents ( actually in my country it is complicated process to make you cards work outside the country) so I ask if any one have a similar experience. Thank you in advance

The Credit Cards issued by CUB to my partner and I both work in Australia.

If in doubt go and visit them, tell there where you are going (wise in any case) and ask.

Ok I see you said credit card, visa or mastercard will all work overseas. If you don’t know the pin you won’t be able to withdraw money or use that function in some places, but generally speaking 95% should be fine.

If you mean debit card do the following… Make sure that is activated to work outside Taiwan, you may need to visit the bank to check but try calling their phone number first (on the back of the card).
There are things like Union network that you may need to be activated and some banks automatically block access overseas unless you requested it when you opened. You may also need to get a 4 digit pin to use it overseas.