Crime Stories and Interrogations

I just watched that first one a couple days ago. I’ve been watching a ton of interrogation videos over the last couple months. Interrogations, jailhouse interviews of serial killers, and also there are a few old (60s-ish?) interviews with legit crazy people that are interesting (some claim to be legit but are from training films, fyi). There’s one of a catatonic schizophrenic guy which is interesting.

It’s crazy to think how… crazy some people can be.

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I am of two minds with the Minassian case. The defense tried a not criminally responsible approach due to Minassian’s Autism diagnosis, which didn’t fly. Now it is going to the Supreme Court of Canada; we will see what they decide.

Prior to watching this interview, I was strongly of the opinion that this guy should spend his entire life in prison. Now I am not so sure. Although he understands what he did in a way, I don’t think he in any way understands that it was wrong, and in some ways sees it as he did something good. Now, I don’t think that he can be rehabilitated in any effective manner, but that is a different story.

Definitely interesting to watch the interview - thanks for posting.

I just don’t know overall what to think. Hmmm.

The Parkland shooter Cruz is so hateable. I respect the restraint of the lead detective for not just beating the crap out of him. He has the most punchable face I’ve ever seen too, fits perfectly with his despicable character.

The guy in the beginning of the video who just confessed to everything in detail was… interesting. To say the least.

Er… I’m glad you’re enjoying these videos, as am I, but don’t we already have a JCS thread? Anyway, if you enjoy JCS, I hear the Matt Orchard videos are pretty similar and more frequent (but maybe not quite as good).

I can’t believe this story.

MMA fighter jon koppenhaver and girlfriend christy mac.

Terrible attack by a man on a woman.

Her mom summed it up well at the end.

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Wait a second, I also just watched this a few days ago for the first time. It’s possible I watched a video from this channel before, the dude who killed his wife and dumped her body and reported her missing…but it’s not one of my channels and never in my feed.

Very, very suspicious youtube action! Good channel though. It’s pretty easy to sit through 2 hours of it, compelling stuff.

A lot of recent comments around YouTube say this video recently got them started.

It must be one of them videos youtube rams in there to promote then. I’ve only watched the first one with the kid who pretends to be insane, and another one with a girl who conspired with her BF to kill her parents in a fake home invasion.

I watched this one today.

What I thought was interesting is usually at the end of the interview, after the cop brings up the murders again and asks how the killer feels about the victims and their families, he drops the nice-guy front and says more what he really thinks. But this cop asked if he could shake the guy’s hand, like he actually had sympathy for him

Also, the Aurora theater shooter used very similar phrasing as this guy, about converting people from living status to dead status. There’s several multi-hour interviews with him, and that guy, when asked how he felt when he heard the number of deaths etc, said he felt like he was worth more, worth x number of people, because he received the value of their lives by killing them. Straight up means it also, in a very logical matter-of-fact kind of way. Another one that is legitimately crazy.

Another interesting video to watch is the shooter from a black church. Killed about six people. Young white guy, maybe 16 or something? He seemed very normal. He felt bad when they told him how many had died, but obviously not that bad. He seemed tho like a kid who was just brought up wrong and I kinda felt bad for him in a way

Some jurors said they wanted to convict, but the prosecutors did a terrible job presenting the evidence in what should’ve been a slam dunk case.

It’s such a shame the demons gave him such terrible taste in music.

anyone know who the photo was?

Ellen Friar

The best explanation of interrogation techniques and behavior analysis that I’ve seen.

Crazy story.

Surprise ending.