Criminal charges and deportation

No. He used to post on this forum though but I cannot mention his username.

Got a link?

I think the 1 year of maybe deportation depends if the judge thinks the crime was the result of negligence or accident vs intentional. If the crime is the result of accident or negligence then you can stay. Pretty hard to argue that assault is anything but intentional though.

Best the op can do is settle. But it’s possible it will be a few months commutable to a fine. That won’t lead to deportation. Unless it’s aggravated assault or a deadly weapon is involved.

You sure about that? I remember hearing otherwise

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My, admittedly addled, memory is he apologised and was let off but chose to leave anyway.

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My memory suffers from occasional gaps, probably you guys are doing better than I am.

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Was the thread about it in temp? It must have been.

I heard there was a petition to allow him to stay that was granted? Was he deported?
There was a fund raiser for him.

I thought so but @BiggusDickus also seems to remember otherwise. You guys must be right

Previous admin should know as he did the fundraiser and I believe the perp did a long winded apology letter and was given leniency and allowed to stay. Not sure there was a long prison sentence or just a fine.

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Did you fight back or initiate the fight? How did you knock them down - was it a punch to the head or more like you pushed them a bit and they fell over? Did you try offering them some money like 300NT to settle things?

The Immigration Act mandates deportation for someone who “Has been sentenced to punishments of imprisonment for one (1) year or greater by a judicial authority, whereas a person who commits a crime due to his/her negligence is exempted” (article 33.3 + 36.2.9)

Immigration Act

Under that I guess it depends (article 2)

Regulations Governing Forcible Deportation of Foreigners

Does that include APRC holders or just ARC?

It’s both

Oh really? Kinda thought ‘permanent resident’ would limit that just a bit. Huh

Why? Other countries deport permanent residents for crimes committed. Some will also strip citizenship.


Depends on the country, but in the US you can only be deported for certain crimes (such as aggravated felony). Jail time alone won’t get you deported.

28 posts were split to a new topic: From criminal

Other than deportation, don’t forget the classic “shadow ban” move. Where the next time you try to apply for or renew something immigration related, it fails or is-perpetually-delayed. Stay safe everyone :slight_smile:


Thread is still there I posted a link. People wrote he was not deported.