CRS form, What it is and why you shouldn't do what the bank says

Is it too late to change?

Some of us made that mistake decades ago and we are still here…

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they don’t give a flying damn here tbh, welcome to the land of chabuduo!

It is probably not too late to change, but Taiwan has made itself very attractive with the Gold Card.
A visa to Thailand it is not that easy to obtain, and in addition to that the tax (unless you want to interpret tax on your own, as many digital nomad do) is quite high, specially if you report income earned abroad.

So - short of extremely/unusually high tension after the election - Probably Taipei will still be the option, even if I will have to fight with the Bank. :stuck_out_tongue:

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When I opened a bank account the teller insisted on getting my foreign tax id for CRS, even though I was only a tax resident of Taiwan, because I’d been there for more than 12 months.

Had to get the supervisor involved who told the teller I didn’t need to provide my tax id. They hated being wrong.


It’s kind of an achievement that you were able to solve that at so early a level as their immediate supervisor tbh. :slightly_smiling_face:

We have an entire long thread (or rather multiple threads) about this…


HSBC staff asked if I was tax resident elsewhere, told them no, could show my overseas accounts listed non tax resident and tax resident of Taiwan. So did not need to fill crs information.

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You should really make clear in all of these posts that you’re a Taiwanese citizen. Different issue, and different treatment by banks.