Here are some alternative cures that can be tried out. They have been known to work on some people but it may not work on others. These cures are safe with no side effects and there is no harm trying them out.
Aromatherapy - Some oils like lavender oil can be bought at most supermarkets and pharmacies. The oils can be put in steaming water and inhaled. This can help to relax the body, helping one to sleep better.
Massage - A massage can help to relieve tension and stress, thus allowing one to sleep better.
Herbal Cures - Some herbal treatment for insomnia include herb teas, tinctures, pillow stuffed with herbs, herbal bath and message oil made of herbs.
Sleep habits - Sleeping in a well-ventilated room that has circulating fresh air helps.
Use the bed only for sleep. Avoid reading, working or watching television in bed. The mind needs to associate the bed as a place for rest.
Sleep and wake up at the same time everyday. The body will be able to associate a specific time of the day for sleeping, and for waking up.
Avoiding naps will cause the person to be more tired at bedtime and more able to fall asleep.
Eating Habits - Avoid eating a large, late-evening meal with heavy, fatty foods before going to bed.
Avoiding caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Coffee , tea, chocolate and cola drinks are all high in caffeine. Alcohol and tobacco disrupt sleep and prevent
deep sleep.
Have a warm milk drink before going to bed. Milk products contain an amino acid precursor that that converts into a compound which boosts serotonin in
the brain. This does not work with cold milk though.
Physical Activity - Getting some physical exercise during the day. Even 15 minutes a day of exercise will give the body the activity and oxygen it needs to help it relax more
and sleep better.
Take a walk or perform mild exercise such as yoga before going to bed.
Relaxation Techniques - Muscle-relaxation exercises and meditation may be useful.
Hope this helps.