Cures for Insomnia


The Raven occasionally lies awake at night for hours either fretting in some way or another (problem-solving, planning ahead, etc) or thinking about other things to displace the things that are bugging him that he is not addressing properly.

ie youā€™re under pressure so first you try to do some of the work even after youā€™ve left the place where you do it, so you lie awake plotting and planning and ā€˜writingā€™ the script/lesson/letter/whatever. Or you keep re-running an event - especially a confrontation/disagreement - over and over with different outcomes, outcomes which donā€™t leave a bad taste in your mouth. And then, after you miss the deadline or continue to have unresolved issues, you retreat into alternative worlds and lie there speculating about the life you could be having instead, or find some other escape such as forumosa.

Reading BCā€™s other posts about work and lifestyle, the pattern which emerges is one of someone who doesnā€™t seem to feel she has any control over her life. Sheā€™s not enjoying her work, sheā€™s not well-treated, and sheā€™s under pressure. Thatā€™s the small picture. The big picture is even bleaker, on account of being at that age where youā€™ve just realised youā€™re not going to live forever after all, and now have to think about what youā€™re going to do for the rest of your life. And where. She has plenty to worry about or escape from, and this state of affairs will continue until she either makes a change or learns to eat shit and like it.

The Raven mostly gets a good 8 hrs of sleep, and wakes up without an alarm clock - this despite teaching in the evenings too. The difference is that heā€™s not a free spirit in a corporate environment, and heā€™s not as worried as Buttercup about his place and future in the world.

What you need, young lady, is a plan. You need to start addressing your situation realistically, setting achievable goals that will give you a sense of progress, so that you can go to bed at night with the knowledge that youā€™re achieving something. And you need something to take your mind off your troubles.

Forumosa is not the answer, although itā€™s a good source of advice and distraction during the day itā€™ll keep you awake all night if you let it. Try getting a cat instead, and spend half an hour every night playing with it.

Well, youā€™re not wrong, but youā€™re not really right, either.

Depression isnā€™t causing this and Iā€™m not in any great crisis or drama at the moment, I just canā€™t sleep. If Iā€™m upset, I sleep a lot. Plans and goals are just strategies for achieving what you want. I donā€™t want anything. Iā€™m not unhappy, I have plenty to be thankful for and Iā€™m sorry if I came across as complaining. Everything is fine. I didnā€™t mean to make this a ā€˜therapy threadā€™. My mind isnā€™t racing, itā€™s slower than a slow thing because Iā€™m tired.

I really really donā€™t like animals.

  • Edit* I appreciate your answer though.

I really really donā€™t like animals.[/quote]
Birds either?

OK, can you tell me why Iā€™ve got insomnia then? I went to bed at 10 then again at 11 and now I got up again. Iā€™m not depressed, Iā€™m happy, Iā€™m not pregnant, Iā€™ve taken away the catā€™s noisy toy, I havenā€™t had any alcohol, last coffee at 2pm, Iā€™ve very few pink possesions, which is always a plus. So why then am I still up?

Iā€™ve tried counting stuff. Sheep, stars.

Could it be because I donā€™t believe in God? Do people who believe in God sleep better?

Could it be because I donā€™t believe in God? Do people who believe in God sleep better?[/quote]
Gawd! I just realized what I wrote there!
I must stop hanging around that fanatical Christian lady. Sheā€™s brainwashed me.

Could it be because I donā€™t believe in God? Do people who believe in God sleep better?[/quote]
I just realized what I wrote there!
I must stop hanging around that fanatical Christian lady. Sheā€™s brainwashed me.[/quote]

[quote=ā€œDragonbonesā€]Ok, serious advice, but this has to be done as a package, and not piecemeal:

Morning exercise, which helps regulate health and sleep functions.
No caffeine after 2pm.
Near bedtime, a very large glass of dry red wine, to be imbibed before, during and after a long hot shower.
Into bed, with a heavy albeit fascinating book on the details of evolutionary theory, by S.J.Gould.
And imagine that sleep is not the goal ā€“ no, no, you donā€™t want to sleep, you just want to readā€¦
Sleep will followā€¦[/quote]

I, too, have suffered from bouts of insomnia that I thought would drive me mad if I didnā€™t succumb to illness first.
Iā€™ve tried most of what Dragonbones suggested and most of it has helped me. Another thing that has helped me is the use of an air conditioner/air purifier to create some white noise that drowns out the birds/dogs/traffic from the street. I also feel that spending at least a little time outdoors in natural light every day helps a great deal.
And, yes, read some old text books. I remember my uni days of falling to sleep in the library on my book and waking up in a big puddle of drool. Last time I went to Canada I brought back my bio-chem textbook. That baby works like a dream putting you to sleep.

The best cure for insomnia is laxatives in the morning, lots of water, a run around the park, no lights after nine oā€™clock (candles only) a lover, pickles, two balloons and a hail Mary. Drink the water rather than spilling it on your shoes.

That should do it.

Last night I slept like a baby without having to take sleeping pills or drink alcohol for the first time in quite a while.

What did I do?

I lay down and started thinking about 2 syllable words starting with every letter of the alphabet. Then I went on to place names. Half way through that I fell asleep.

I also read that you should never stay in bed for more than 30 minutes if you canā€™t sleep. That is why I am here typing now.

Iā€™m going to go to bed in a few minutes and try thinking about foods from A-Z.

Iā€™ve also been exercising like a maniac for the past couple of weeks and that helps.

Got hammered. Not sleepy in the slightest. Waiting for dawn so I can go hiking. GodIā€™m bored.

bob, pooing is not the answer. Running wakes me up. No candles since the London fireā€¦ a lover? Someone has to like me first which is unlikely as 先åœØ I am as mad as an actress. Pickles? Catholicism? Iā€™d never spoil my shoes.

Iā€™ve always had a thing for crazy girls bc! :loco: :wink:

Pooing ā€œisā€ the answer. Never notice haw well you sleep after a good poo?

Similar things have worked for me as well. Thinking about American states and their capitals, thinking about how many countries or places begin and end with the letter A, how many five letter words can you make from the letters in ā€œextraordinaryā€. Iā€™ve tried just about everything, now Iā€™m trying to remember the Japanese 50 sounds along with the characters. These things are very hypnotic and let you drift away. I have to say I am sleeping quite well these days without the aid of pills or booze. And as much as I sympathize with everyone going through this, it is somehow comforting to know I am not alone.

Maybe thereā€™s nothing wrong with you except that youā€™re trying to impose unnatural sleep patterns on yourself?

Just came across this on segmented sleep, which I found most interesting.

Iā€™m tired. 4 hours.

I bought a sudoku book a couple of weeks ago and it has worked like a miracle in getting me to sleep. I usually donā€™t last longer than 10-15 minutes and I am out.

Suduko is easy. You just have to line up rows of numbers. Itā€™s also one of the most pointless pursuits known to man, other than crown green bowling. Modern society is decadent.

Wellā€¦if the goal is to get to sleep it is certainly a means to an end. I agree though that it is a royal waste of time otherwise.

Insomnia? Me? Nah, I just always get up at 5 or 5:30 and sometimes earlier because I have a lot of important things on my mind. And because I have important things to do, such as bicycling before work, or studying Chinese (recently started again) or posting messages such as this one on forumosa. I also LIKE getting up early, Iā€™m a morning person, and I go to bed the same time as my 5 year-old daughter, about 9:30 pm, so I am getting at least 6 or 7 hours sleep per night and I think thatā€™s really all a person needs.

Admittedly, today Iā€™m up a couple hours earlier than usual, and may require a nap this afternoon if I donā€™t climb back in the sack in an hour or two. I also donā€™t tell my wife I get up THIS early, because sheā€™d be angry with me, but she does know I get up at 5 or 5:30 for my bike rides and, in truth, thereā€™s no problem at all with that ā€“ I manage my work OK, donā€™t have time to squeeze that essential exercise in anywhere else, and Iā€™m able to last till my 9:30 bedtime without too much difficulty.

So, maybe itā€™s not a problem at all, but just an alternative sleeping arrangement, such as when I worked the nightshift in a grocery store many years ago and came home to hit the sack after breakfast. I do love how peaceful and quiet it is in the very early morning hours, since Iā€™m very busy in the day I consider this a few hours of ā€œfree timeā€ when I can screw around as I choose, and then the dawn bike ride, thatā€™s terrific, itā€™s beautiful outside then and I feel great getting in such enjoyment while most people are still lying in bed wasting their precious time.

Nutty, perhaps, but it works for me.

You might want to try a tea made from a handful of peach leaves, twigs or bark (or a mix). Just let it steep in boiling water for 15 minutes. Itā€™s best ingested right before going to bed as its effect can be immediate (depends on the dosage). There are also commercial peach teas available but Iā€™ve never tried those.

Worked for me.