Currants, Gooseberries, etc. Similar in Taiwan

Are these widely available in Taiwan in stores or markets? I haven’t really noticed.

They have been banned in the USA but maybe returning.

Kiwi is a gooseberry.

It’s not. The previous name “Chinese gooseberry” came from the flavor and appearance I believe, but the two species are botanically unrelated at least down to the genus, family, and order levels.

It’s like “long pig” or whatever - just because “pig” is in the name doesn’t make people a type of pig.

In any case, kiwifruit obviously isn’t what OP is looking for, and I haven’t seen gooseberries etc. here either.


Wait you mean polecats aren’t really cats??!

I don’t think you can find many berries here outside the normal ones like strawberry and blueberry

Temperate-climate stuff that Taiwanese people aren’t really interested in, I reckon. AFAIK there are few places in the world that even grow gooseberries, apart from the UK, which is a pity.

I set out about 50 gooseberry bushes last year (in the UK) with the aim of selling locally; unfortunately, there is no way to bring any produce back to Taiwan without being fined ONE MILLION DOLLARS.

Don’t shatter my illusions about hedgehogs, thanks.


banned in the USA? Which ones were banned? interested to read up on it! I used to grow those as a kid in Canada.

For Taiwan I wonder if dried ones could be more easily imported? They could surely grow in high elevations here, but I have not heard of anyone doing it. Usually more sugar oriented berries or traditional types. blueberry and goji come to mind.

If you find anyone growing them here, do share. It would be interesting to see!

It’s true. I can’t remember why. I think it was (supposedly) because they spread disease, which seems to be a perennially-useful excuse to prevent people enjoying themselves.

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Gooseberries are banned in the US? This would be news to the women in my extended family who have been growing and making pies with them in the Midwest since arriving there from Central Europe 150-ish years ago. Wtf?

I can only scratch my head at anyone comparing gooseberries with Kiwi. The phrase “apples and oranges” comes to mind, but I think even those two fruits have more in common than gooseberries and kiwis. Kiwis aren’t even berries.