Cycling Goals 2024

Although we’re a bit into the year already, this is the annual thread to specify cycling goals and encourage each other to achieve them. I failed catastrophically last year due to a bit of a crunch in my confidence and loss of interest, but there’s a big difference between dormant and dead, and breaks can be productive too.

My goals this year so far: cycle to the next town and back at least ten times, and try to not beat myself up by how lame this seems compared to my past feats.


Roughly how long is distance between towns?
Roads safe?
I’ll start up biking in a month or so. Now just swimming.
Will do some multi-day bike rides with kids this summer, likely in my id’s namesake.

It’s about five miles each way, off-road. You can go the road way but it’s probably further and traffic is heavy in these parts, and less respect for cyclists in the UK.

I’ve been meaning to go swimming as well but the hermit thing is making it difficult. Walked six miles today instead.

Honestly though, I’ve had myself in some terrible states from cycling. I used to get up on a saturday morning, load a couple of sandwiches into a bag and cycle 55km. I did this a few times, and came back delirious and with shivers like a fever which effectively put me in bed for the rest of the day. I loved it, though. I love being outside, and I crave this, but I feel like that was too much. I feel like sometimes I need help with knowing when enough is enough.

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First go complete. Got back at 1pm. I’m now too knackered to do anything else for the rest of the day, so I’ve got to sit about with sore legs and hydrate for the next nine hours until I’m bored enough to send myself to bed.

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I’ve been slacking! Thanks for starting this up @volv1992

Here’s mine for the year:

  1. Your dream is my motivation - Support 15 other cyclists in achieving their 2024 riding goals.

  2. Self perseverance - Exceed my longest ride of 384km

  3. New year. New experiences. New Roads. - Bring my own bike overseas to explore new road and new places.

Good luck guys!