Daily Style Transfer

Style transfer is a deep learning technique that takes the style features of one image and apply it on the structural features of another image.

You could use open source code to train your own style transfer models. But, there are already many websites and apps that offer this as a service.

I used this one.

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This thread is doing great!

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I think the website is not so friendly

put some style into it, man!

(sorry for assuming your gender!)

I’m fine with it being freemium and all that, but they lost me at β€œTo create a free account, connect via Facebook, Google or with email and password.” :cactus:

Same here.

If you don’t want to sign up, you can always run style transfer yourself


Got anything on GitHub for me in Haskel?

You can rewrite the code in haskell using using the tensorflow haskell bidnings XD

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Perfect! Well, not exactly for me, but for the nerdy guy who sits opposite me at work. He likes a challenge, including random language portings and whatever he can get his hands on.