Dalai Lama, The Closet Communist

Who died and made you dictator?

No one able to answer it?

Capitalism a system "permitting necessities to be taken from the many to give luxuries to the few. " ~ King

Successful capitalists put in just enough regulation to maintain a basic standards and protect markets from crime, monopoly, etc. It isn’t done perfectly in the U.S. but it is done to an acceptable level. In the African nations I presume you’re referring to there’s just about no regulation, or at least none that accomplishes any sensible purpose.

Gee, it kind of sounds like China and Cuba to me.

Uh Ongawah Zimbabwe’s got that power!!!

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and Chinese President Hu Jintao in Beijing.

Lol dumb accosiation right there King was talking about Capitalism not China and Cuba.

Now lets talk about The West’s crime of starving African children and not providing aid.
IS poor Africa the reality of Capitalism?


I realize that King was talking about capitalism in his quote. And I am stating that “permitting necessities to be taken from the many to give luxuries to the few” sounds a lot like what is happening in the communist countries of China and Cuba. Why is this a dumb accusation? Are you implying that there are no rich and poor in these countries?

Why is it up to the West to provide aid? I would think that the communist countries should be able to provide some help if their systems is a perfect as you make it out to be.

Oh man, I’d love to see where you got that informaiton.

Do you want to look at the number of unnatural deaths caused by communist regimes or do you just like to forget about what happens to people under communist rule? Maybe you can read some of the persecution accounts of Falun Gong practitioners in China, or the recounts of people eating their own children during the Great Leap Forward. How about the ever-compasionate Khumer Rouge? What a nice group of people they were. I suppose we could talk about the prisoners of the forced labor and concentration camps of Soviet Russia and the numbers of prisoners who were slaughtered there. Oh, but you were tlaking about starvation. The most devastating famine ever to strike mankind in the history of our existence was manmade. And guess hwo the fearless leader was, Chairman Mao. Soviet Russia had its share too under Stalin.

Let me get this straight: You just accused the west of starving children by not providing aid?l In that case just let us know when China and Cuba have solved Africa’s starvation problems for us…we’ll be waiting…in the meantime though I think I’ll accuse China and Cuba of causing mass starvation…

The CCP murdered 80 million of its OWN innocent civilians (not counting the Korean War and WWII and the Chinese Civil War). 1,600 times the number you just accused “AmeriKKKa” of (I think you should get your stuttering looked at, it’s begining to make you sound stupid). Perhaps the Commies are winning this one…in body count at least.

The West must aid the people they have exploited in this case their fellow capitalists.

PFFFFFT Yeh right prediction made by Falun gong is not a true statement. The Falun Gong which the world see as master of lies and propaganda and will always be looked down upon.

Hmm…so I suppose Africa was the jewel of the world and everything was one big oasis of joy with no corruption or tribal warfare before we westerners showed up…there was no desert or drought and every tribe always shared everything they had with all the other tribes…then the westerners all showed up and suddenly everyone became corrupt…sure…why don’t you blame the boogeyman while you’re at it.

I’m out

Happy trolling!!

But I saw Falun Gong practitioners hold the poster which said <ccp has caused 60-80 million unnatural death>. This is true.


Isn’t this the motherfucker that strangled his wife? :clown_face: :cowboy_hat_face: