“Dating” over long distance?

Are they bringing them carrots or what are you going on about son? :sweat_smile:

What kind of teachers are these? Sharing sex escapades with one of those girlies jeeeeeeeesus christ man I thought Taiwan had flushed out this type of deadbeat years ago in the 90s, is this still the teaching scene here? Maybe one of those chop shops in Chiayi or Puzi or something ?


Aussie slang for “having sex”…

Ahh I see I see. Yeah I used to get the whole cabbage and garden when I was a young lad oooooh boy I had chicks bringing my roots and veggies like you wouldn’t believe :sweat_smile:

yea… not sure when people started with the whole fruits and vegetables bit… kind of odd…

Oh, quite a lot of responses!
Thanks everyone for contributing - trying me best to reply to them.

You’re being jerked around, toyed with, gamed, whatever you wanna call it. It’s not worth it. Don’t even say goodbye. Just block her.

I don’t know, does it really appear like she’s just playing around with me?

I was more expecting people here to tell me to stop playing around with her because of this “thing” between friendship and more.

you sound like a wet blanket. shit or get off the pot!

Yeah, more like that - you’re probably right somehow…

Long distance relationships are hard and can take a toll on you.

Right, I am not even in a relationship with her and I can already feel this toll you’re talking about…

I’m sorry to say it, but unless you guys have plans to see each other more frequently (living in the same country helps), I’d advise to get some distance.

if its making you or her feel shitty more often than not, end it ASAP tho.

If you are going to stay in your respective home countries, then you should consider mutually remaining just friends or pen pals. Don’t think or hope for it to become anything more.

If there is no firm plan, the couple will usually drift apart or one will break it off after they meet someone else in real life.

Definitely good points.

Yeah, I think it’s either seeing each other more often or not at all. Although that thought does hurt, of course.

Do you think you and her and both mature enough to handle a visit if the end outcome is ending it romantically?

If both of you can accept that, then there’s no reason to block her. Build your friendship online. If you ever get a chance to meet again, don’t hug, hold hands, kiss, or have sex. Because if you do that, the feelings of lust will return, along with feeling confused.

Mhh, good question. I am not sure if I would be just falling even harder for her when seeing her again, so not sure if that would work.

If so, why not visit again and let things play out how they do… maybe you can guys be in a relationship and not tie big expectations to it. Sounds like youre making it a big thing in your mind, which is something you can roll back a little.

Not sure if I could do that. I mean there’s a reason why I don’t consider her my girlfriend (or haven’t asked her about that): I don’t want to end up in a relationship where we only see each other maybe 1-2 times a year. That would definitely make me miserable, I think.

And to be clear, it’s not like I have stopped dating around altogether.

But I just don’t feel like really seeing anyone else right now.

Traditionally Taiwanese don’t do casual dating. You date so that you can get married, and you get married so that you can have a kid

Yeah, that’s also a reason why am being rather careful about getting her hopes up too much. I mean I don’t want to be the asshole who promises her a future together when I am not sure if we can ever move into that direction.

I like this idea. It should be “young adult” fiction (teen romance).

Yeah, stupid feelings making one feel like a teen again…

Also consider: if she really had the same feelings for you, then you’d be making plans right now to live together. But it’s not happening, is it?

Do you really think she would start talking about that even though we agreed to be “not in a relationship”?

I mean she actually told me that she loves me during the first two weeks we were together in my home country. I was more hesitant and told her that it’s maybe a bit uncommon to talk about “love” after such a short time - maybe just something lost in translation. Anyway, afterwards she just kept saying that she really likes me. (Looking back - not sure if I really handled that well).

Are you like super religious or something? I find this comical especially for an European.

I thought it would be strange to just kiss her after having almost three months of radio-silence between us and just reconnecting. You know - not wanting to put her under pressure or on a bad spot and first wanted to make sure that she’s actually comfortable around me again before going further again.

Does that really sound that weird?

@op she probably has a bf she hasn’t told you about

You think so?

I mean she actually volunteered to me that she hadn’t slept with anyone else between the two times we met. And before that, only with her boyfriend in highshool.

Sorry but European guys in their 20s are almost always total manwhores.

So yeah - I think compared to her I am actually quite a manwhore…

Yours is not gonna work though. She clearly isn’t in it for real.

Yeah, mostly because of me stating that we aren’t in a relationship, I think… Not sure if that was a mistake on my side maybe.

Also she’s already lying to people about him saying they’re “just friends”, why would she do that if she was fine with it?

I mean I never introduced someone as my “friend with benefits” either. So yeah - totally expected that she introduced me as her “friend”.

lol for real? you call that lying? its nobody’s business.

Exactly. Call me old fashioned but I don’t run around either telling other people whom I’ve slept with. Especially if I care about them. (Well, expect for some strangers on the internet of course!).


You quote like 20 people and you don’t quote me? Pfft, okay, you’re on your own now, kid.


You quote like 20 people and you don’t quote me? Pfft, okay, you’re on your own now, kid.

Oh, damn! Didn’t know how easily feelings get hurt around here. Maybe I can fix this by quoting you twice in this post? :upside_down_face:

But general rule of thumb is only invest in someone else as much as they’re willing to invest in you. If she seems distracted or indifferent, it won’t work out.
Long distance is a hard one, especially when it goes longer than 6 months or so. Many partners lose interest the longer it goes on.

Yeah, sounds right. Not much to add to your comments actually.


I’m just messing with you.

You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. You’ll be okay either way, but I don’t think this is “the one.”


Won’t comment on your case as yet but

Dating OVER long distance usually means eventually it’s OVER. Unless you bring that relationship up close

Close the gap or the gap will always win

It’s a fact of nature

Now EX wives however the Gap is priceless


Lust is stronger than love if you stop lusting her you will soon lust someone else

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Not at all. You sound like a gentlemen. :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure I agree with you. If you spend your energy learning new skills or perfecting existing skills, you won’t have time to be lusting after someone else. If your mind is fully focused on learning or perfecting a skill, your mind will be fully engaged in thinking about that skill. Usually, it’s people with too much time on their hands that end up having affairs.

Ok the basic premise goes like this

You are young and she is young (ideally)
Lust brings you together but hopefully in time connections and kids and shared experiences keep the bond strong while the sex may wane

But you see so many people married for so long who really should still be together because of all the shared bonds and kids etc

But the heart grows lonely and the eyes wander in search of more. We want to be someone else again. Mostly the person who we once were

Someone else who makes you feel young again like the person who you were is going to get your attention

Then LUST turned to LOVe. (Which is really commitments ) turns once more to lust …

Your father didn’t get with your mother because of how practical she was , he lusted after her

Ideally we should meet our life partner at an early enough age for both and build our lives together

But ask Hollywood how that goes for many

Of course ideally you should develop
A real strong connection with each other
Which can keep you together but
If there is no sex the union is heading for an iceberg or at least sailing towards one

i’m talking from experience too. i did the long distance thing back when i was a wee whippersnapper and the whole thing was just super dumb not paying attention to reality young person stuff.

A long distance relationship is just mental masturbation




Gotta be honest and say I only made it through half.

From the half I read, you seem like someone who really over analyzes personal relationships. Based on the amount of time you’ve known this girl/woman, based on the the fact that she’s from a different culture, how much can you really know about her and what she’s feeling? Exchanges on FB don’t mean much.

It sounds like you met a cute girl in Taiwan, banged her, got confused, and now you’re wondering what to do. If she wants you around and you want to be around then be with her. If not on to the next.


Tommy comes up with some great gems of truth. I hate to say it, but I agree with this statement.

Although I want to believe that love conquers all, human experience shows that when the physical spark of attraction is gone, the relationship is harder to maintain. (Especially true for horny young people, maybe less so for old tired people.)

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Affairs ? Affairs happen when longing meets opportunity. A need is fulfilled. Usually on both sides. Everyone wants something.

Alas Affairs usually lead to ruin or worse. See Unfaithful , damn good film tells it like it is.