Dating: Taiwanese vs. Westerner

This video is quite interesting, and follows my experience in Taiwanese vs Euros
So for guys, do you think the same as the video or have a different viewpoint (I do find Taiwanese men quite gentle which could be good or bad…)
(This is AU vs TW)

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She done a video on why she’s not married?



And a video full of weird stereo types of Taiwanese versus Australian guys. Certainly says a lot about Taiwanese. She definitely screams the Physco Xiaojie stereo type though.


Thus, my comment


I got about 25% of the way through, turned it off, and thought: Western women are independent, guys used to do things and then got in trouble for it.

What is this girl, some kind of Asian female incel? Is that why she hates feminism?

I cook for my girls, because I’m a feminist like that. But also, it’s a great excuse to get them to come over to my place… for…

washing those dishes!


Sounds basically accurate. I mean, it captures the cultural average fairly well.

I can’t understand Taiwanese simping. It does, of course, exist everywhere, but the reason most (Western) men don’t do it is that women will readily take advantage of free meals, free rides, etc., but they won’t respect you for it. At best you’re going to end up in a relationship where you’re an emasculated servant. In Taiwan, though, it seems to be a mainstream approach to “dating”.

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so that’s what I find so attractive!

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Men say the same about Taiwanese women.

One major problem Asians have is they think following and groping is OK. Never had anyone follow me in the states.

This would be easier to watch and probably much shorter if she just spoke Chinese.

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Yea thats it. The ideal dating style is basically just being a man servant / doormat.

I really cant see how that works out well long term. And i dont even see whats appealing to begin with. And from my point of view a useless woman who needs the man to wait on her hand and feet and be her personal driver is not attractive at all.


She sounds like hard work

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In my single days, I was a master of cooking the spicy vindaloo.

That information does not sit well with your (apparent) interest in eclectic bedroom activities …

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First thing I thought as well


Is that what you youngsters call it these days?

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What do clowns say it is?

blowing a pencil balloon

What is this stereo type?

Typhoon day reading.


Nothing ‘dries up’ a woman more then a guy being a pushover. But in Taiwan it is expected. You just wont be respected for it though. It’s an odd dynamic


And then once married for a few years, the guys go too far the other way. Refuse to do anything. Sleep seperately. Affairs.