Decaf coffee

I just got one of these coffee pod machines, second hand, and they sell decaf pods for it. And a bunch of others, like 9-10 different origins/types. Anyways, it’s me being curious and a bit lazy lately.

I’ve never seen them there (Zhonghe store or online). Which location?


Well, they certainly used to sell it here.

Kirkland Signature Decaffeinated Coffee, Dark Roast, 3 lbs | Costco


But I don’t buy decaff.

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I was in both the Neihu and Xizhi store i. The last couple of days (I know, I am a sucker for punishment!), and neither of them had decaf coffee.

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Costco had decaf few months ago (Neihu Costco) but last week they did not have it. My wife bought some decaf at Barista today. They even grind beans for you. The one on Min Quan East Road and Long Jiang Road intersection.

I was looking on Shopee for you. I’m surprised how little there is. One word of caution: 低咖啡因咖啡 . The first character makes a little difference. Technically, there is no no-caffeine coffee because there is still a residual amount of caffeine in processed coffee. So the Chinese term means ‘low’. Coupang isn’t better, either.

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I was told by a Costco employee at their Kaohsiung store a couple months ago that they stopped carrying decaf coffee. I guess there is not enough demand…

Carrefour Tienmu had decaf yesterday Classique series.

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I got basically told off by a young coffee shop clerk here for asking for a coffee without caffeine. He said there is no such thing (which he is correct of course). The fact that he did not clue in that I was talking about decaf, until I said “decaf” in English, was not well received on my end. He still didnt have any regardless.

A bit too late, but this cafe in Tainan has decaf blend.

Espresso Bar & Specialty Coffee


My wife found this fresh roasted decaf coffee that’s pretty decent and not too bad on the bank account — a nice chocolate note in a latte:※貝勒拉芙※開發票-哥倫比亞-低咖啡因-咖啡豆-德國EA處理法-去除約98-低因-哺乳媽媽-失眠者-健康飲食管理-i.8786661.1990655137?xptdk=3ac432f1-eca2-445f-af7b-da8d0bfb05e8

I’ve been trying to learn how roast my own but am discovering it’s a decent learning curve. Likely my technique, but still haven’t gotten anything close to what I linked above (so also don’t want to put my hat in the ring for these quite yet either):【低因咖啡】咖啡生豆(1.5kg裝)使用真空袋-德國EA水處理法-低咖啡因-超低瑕疵-去除咖啡因-生豆-孕婦-失眠者適合-i.11128709.6291931483?sp_atk=6eae30fe-db79-4ebe-b838-8647072008ba&xptdk=6eae30fe-db79-4ebe-b838-8647072008ba

And lastly, PxMart carries this Japanese imported decaf instant that’s actually pretty decent that I drink probably 4 servings a day of:雀巢金牌低咖啡因微研磨咖啡-80g-(單瓶價格)-i.3091951.823148114?sp_atk=d81ad8c1-f92d-4e5c-a927-1befae75dd78&xptdk=d81ad8c1-f92d-4e5c-a927-1befae75dd78


One of the oddities for coffee is that the less you roast it the more caffeine it has. The dark roasts typically have quite low caffeine (it’s been roasted away) and one of the reasons Italian coffee often includes a shot of Robusta for the kick. Italian coffee isn’t typically pure Arabica.

Yeah I feel you can describe something in a dozen ways and people will just not “get” what you mean. Cultural thing? Not sure.

The Zhonghe Costco has large cans of ground (not whole bean) decaf now. NT$599 in store, NT$615 online.


thanks for mentioning the Japanese imported decaf. I probably saw that 100 times without knowing it was decaf, since the label is in Japanese. I can confirm PxMart is still carrying it - just went and looked. Carrefour also has it, and you can get a better deal on it at Carrefour right now, because it’s on sale.