Degree notarization for US citizen for work in Thailand

Hi. I am a US citizen with an ARC living in Taipei. Does the American Institute in Taipei notarize college degrees, MBA’s. etc…?

If not, could anyone recommend a reputable agency or company that I could give my degree to, have them mail it to the US embassy and do this for me? Thanks!

If you are using them for Taiwan employment they need to be notarized by the Taiwan TECO office in the USA I believe not the AIT.

Hi. It’s not for employment in Taiwan; it’s for a job in Thailand next spring. To your knowledge, can they notarize the degree for any reason at all?

Then I would have thought your degree would need to be notarized by the Thai Embassy or a consulate. I would ask your employer to check where the degree needs to be notarized and ask them would they accept from the AIT. They may not know what the AIT is as it is not a US embassy. Not sure the Thai office here would notarize a copy of your US documents you could ask them as well.

@AvaiVayayana TECO only authenticates foreign documents that they request. They do not notarize foreign documents. A document is usually notarized by the government that issued it.

@eric751 In your case, your documents are issued by US universities, so they should be notarized by a US notary. The AIT should be able to do that. I know they do so for US driver’s licenses.

Expect to cough up at least $50 USD and make an appointment online at least a month or two (or three) prior.

If all else fails, you may call any notary in Taiwan to see if they will notarize a US college diploma, but it’s a long shot.

You should be checking with the Thai employers, or posting on a Thai forum, to get a correct answer.



His employers are requesting a notarized US diploma, and he lives in Taiwan. It’s up to him to find a notary here who is authorized to notarize US documents. People in Thailand can’t tell him where to go for that in Taiwan.

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Looks like this website has the answer you’re looking for. It seems they do not notarize diplomas. The closest thing they notarize is a sworn statement in general, meaning you may be able to write a statement to swear that your diploma is authentic. You may wish to contact your employers to see if they will accept that.