Thanks to the fine work of Richard and his colleagues, foreign spouses can start to live normal lives.
Now that we can earn money, buy houses and start families; what about protecting them?
I have private accident and life insurance. When it comes to service, we really like our company.
But, in the realm of Health Insurance, when I applied for private long term disability insurance, I was denied.
Reason: As usual… I’m a foreigner.
We now own a house. I hold a steady job. Shouldn’t I be given the right to protect my family?
It’s my understanding that US insurance companies must open their policies to every US resident, unless the fail certain health restrictions. Is there such a law in the states?
I don’t want to make enemies with my employer but, can Taiwan companies be forced to give foreign residents (spouses) insurance??
Can we force US companies doing business in Taiwan to offer us policies? They have to abide by equal oportunity laws… yes?
Thanks again Richard for all the fine work you are doing.