Did Dutch presence continue after Fort Zeelandia?

[quote=“headhonchoII”]I also read that a bunch of Dutch from Tainan area ended up settling in Alishan area as they were friendly with the tribes from there. But it couldn’t have been very many. Im starting to lean towards at least some of the red hair being Melanesian origin…which remains in the han and later aboriginal population. So many people claiming a Dutch great grandmother just doesn’t hold up…it would have to WAY back. I read another estimate that there were only 200,000 people in Taiwan at that time and Dutch accounted for 0.5% of the population so MAYBE they could
Have a bigger effect through the years from being part of a founder population, especially given women weren’t free to migrate to Taiwan for a long time.

As for ‘Caucasian features’…they could be from some of the aboriginal tribes, Dutch, random intermixing through the centuries and also from more recent mainland Chinese who have more diverse heritage.[/quote]

Dutch lineage is insignificant in Taiwan. Personally I’ve known only two(2) Taiwanese persons (both are my friends around my age) with caucasian features. However the strangest thing happened 3 days ago. My mother was chatting with me about her growing up. She said her Grandpa “looked Dutch.” She’s in her 60s now and I’ve never heard such a thing by her or anyone her side of family until 3 days ago. It suspect it is a kind suppressed memory, or it simply wasn’t something that she thought was worth mentioning

My mom lived with her grandpa in the same household until college. Her knowledge of geography and history is close to zero but she’s not old enough yet to be talking nonsense. Her grandpa would have been born in the 1890s.

I recently came across this book, a novel really, by Professor Stone Jyan-lung Lin (林建隆)


Lin is a SCU professor who has a Ph.D. in English & American Literature from Michigan State University. He is a famous poet and author. He calls himself the Gangster Professor, because at 23 he was wrongly accused of attempted manslaughter under the now defunct Gangster Prevention Act, and send to the Green Island for 3 years. He wrote about his life story of how he turned his life around, and in 2001, they even made a TV series based on his autobiography.

Long story short, he is retelling the story of a Sirayan woman named Kim-niû (金娘), who played an influential role in Lîm Sóng-bûn (林爽文)'s failed 1786 uprising.

In most written records, Kim-niu is simply mentioned as such:

[quote]Kim-niû, a savage woman from Verrovorongh (Ē-tām-tsuí, present day Wandan Pingdong). She is good with spells, and can sure illnesses. Rebel leader Tsng Tāi-tiân (莊大田) believes in her. The rebel army refers to her as the Goddess. Lîm Sóng-bûn gave her the title of Lady Column of the Nation (Tsū-kok hu-lîn).


The Sirayan woman who is named after Kim-niû said Chinese histories distorts the facts. The Sirayans have relied on their own oral history to tell what really happened to Kim-niû.

In Professor Lin’s retelling of the story, Kim-niû is said to have Dutch ancestry.

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