Did I commit some sort of cultural fox pass?

Knock yourself out.

Say hi to the Riverside Murder Gang.

Next time I’m home I’ll mail some here just to see if the receipt cops come after me

Yes. When you ask for a favor, you ask for ONE favor and make it simple for the other person to comply. You managed to ask for 3 favors in a sentence and at the same time make it as complicated as possible, forcing the other person to bail.


Ah yeah I kinda get that although I don’t think it is that complicated although I didn’t explain it but still don’t know how to warrants a blocking to me a blocking without explanation means “I hate you”

Alright getting annoyed I sent her this and she read didn’t replied and blocked me on line too


Man, just walk away. There are 359 other degrees to explore. Don’t even waste your time thinking about it

Are you talking to him or to her??

Taiwanese like to avoid confrontation. If she blocks you, she can avoid all issues/communication/negotiations. That was a nice apology, anyways.

Think of them as squids. When startled, they leave a distraction of ink to facilitate escape.

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i don’t think i’ve ever written a message that long on line. you shouldn’t either!

Apologizing (after doing nothing wrong) and then playing victim? Are you actively trying to stay celibate?


Pretty sure the correct term is fauxpoligizing:roll_eyes:


Well I sure wasn’t expecting to score a shag here

No shit… What were you expecting, out of curiosity?

Your wife’s parents (not grandparents?) don’t speak a word of Mandarin? That seems pretty unusual…unless your wife is like really old. :dizzy_face:

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Sorry guys I fixed it

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Yikes man. Play it cool man cool is the way to get the ladies


Have you posted here before under another name?

I suggest you play it a little more cool with the ladies. You know, less stalker vibe.


But I know her and have met her irl :sob: in fact she’s related to family friends and I stayed with her family once