Did my typos/spelling finally break the camel's back?

So coding related I assume? Intersting !

Fair enough though, has to do with the inner workings of the site and the hacking possibilities. Makes total sense.
What happens with <>? :

Buggered if I know.


Try intersting inside <> hehe. Seems code related, < > ! Etc. Not so much the typo. Which is actually a very good reason. Was just curious in the beginning :innocent:

Itā€™s because android has crappy autocorrect algorithm. Iphone autocorrect is quite good.

Perhaps buy a used iphone next time? I donā€™t know how to use apples autocorrect algorithm on Android devices.

I prefer the typos. I LOATH apple and everything they stand for. If they become less oppressive and open themselves to 3rd party, over time I might change my mind. But for now, they are terrible and I cannot support that.

Ps. Wife has free iPhones for i guess 6 ish years, she uses themā€¦and by proxy I use them too. They arenā€™t easier, In Fact we both quite dislike their system. Expensive, not user friendly. Unless my screen is close to demolished, she uses my phones to do anything. Even the bank is telling her she canā€™t do online transfers on her phone because their system updates wonā€™t support a few year old phone. Fuck them, thatā€™s absurd. The apple cult really is a strange religion.

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lntersting! Indeed! |ntersting! Not so much.

Lesson learned. @Explant, type shittier!

Donā€™t poke the beast!


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Testing testing.

I canā€™t, turns out admins can. Note to hackers lol.

On it :smiley: turns out I need to put a space at the end of my sentences . I have evolved. Thank you intrnet!

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