Discrimination/racisme deeply rooted in Taiwan?

No people are more or less racist than other people.

Completely disagree with that. Im sure this thread will go on for another 50 pages as most do here :slight_smile: But sorry completely disagree with that.

I still donā€™t feel sorry for them. taiwan needs to get onboard the worldview and stop making excuses about why they canā€™t. tw also needs less forienger sympathizers making excuses for them.
if i tried to organize a protest against some of the slurs we hear on TV, iā€™ll bet there would be plenty of tw sympathizers just waiting to say ā€œitā€™s okay TW. call me a high nose. yes baby itā€™s okayā€
tw will never improve on this issue until these foriegners who are getting a good deal stop spoiling it for those of us who want change.i also hold missionaries responsible for the racism here. they have engendered the idea that all foriegners should turn the other cheek unconditionally. iā€™m for turning the other cheek, meaning not meeting violence for violence, but i also believe in being PROACTIVE and fighting the good fight for whatā€™s right. and whatā€™s right for me is pulling these people up short (letting them know where the buck stops) when they slur my race. donā€™t care who they are.

iā€™m sick and tired of being second class in this regard. if wu dzong shien ever insulted me on TV, i would pull him up short him RIGHT THERE in front of everyone. of course when his croneys jumped in, the rest of you would be sitting alongside watching. thatā€™s why they do what they do to us, because they KNOW white people are wussies. they know weā€™re not organized and never will be. and there are foriegners who like,yes, LIKE being called the big nose. anybody who allows his race and the diginity of his ancestors to be slurred is a fool.
iā€™m not a racist, but any person who slurs your race and ancestors deserves to hear the same slurred back at him so heā€™ll know how it feels. whatā€™s good for the goose is good for the gander. but the gander always runs in gangs here.if we want respect, we have to NOT BACK DOWN and band together for whatā€™s right and fight the good fight, just like they band together for whatā€™s wrong.

some people do get so uptight being called a BIG NOSE (no less insulting to them then being called ā€œlittle penisā€ )

i hated to be called this growing up in taiwan. I used to shout back Nai PEe ah (flat nose) and that gave them pause . :slight_smile:

calling people names is wrong. IN the USA, they have laws against racial slurs. Is time Taiwan starts doing the same and educating people that this is wrong and not civilized.

the poster is right, stop accepting improper behavior. Start by insisting ( especially if appearing on TV) that you are not going to stand being made a fool of !!

I suppose that depends on what one believes is dignified or deserving of dignity.

I think one of the biggest problems we (the world) have is racism, and I think the idea that keeps racism alive is the notion that we as individuals must identify with some particular ā€œraceā€, however one defines that word. Personally, I wouldnā€™t be all that insulted if someone insulted the white race. I may be ā€œwhiteā€, but I think and speak for myself. My identity is not specifically tied to my whiteness. Iā€™m not concerned that I married a Chinese gal and that we have a ā€œmixed raceā€ child. Iā€™m not worried about keeping the white race pure. I know Iā€™ve let the Klan down in this regard, but I donā€™t give a shit.

Iā€™ve tried to teach my boy that he is who he is, and nothing more or less. Iā€™ve tried to teach him that when people ask ā€œwhatā€ he is, he should respond that he is a member of the human race. Iā€™ve mentioned in other posts that many of the mixed kids seem to suffer from identity problems, and Iā€™m guessing that some of that is due to trying to ā€œbelongā€ to one or both of the races of their parents.

I donā€™t see any reason to ā€œfit inā€ or ā€œbelongā€ to any artificially created ā€œraceā€. Fuck that. Weā€™re all human and weā€™re all individuals.

Or, you could politely explain to him/her that such a statement is received/perceived by you as a slur, regardless of his/her intended meaning, and request that he/she not use the same statement/name again. I think most people will understand.

I am very wary of banding together with anyone. I donā€™t want respect for my raceā€¦ again, what the fuck is that? Iā€™ll take respect for my personā€¦ thatā€™ll do fine.

Its OK, IMO, to remind people that generalizations are often unhelpful and in individual cases frequently inaccurateā€¦ and its good to point out real instances of racismā€¦ but, thatā€™s as far as Iā€™m willing to go. Iā€™m easing my way out of society, and am not looking to get banded together with anyone at this time.

Yinzer on yer own.

i so disagree. Your ancestors are dead. And race is nothing but biology. I get angry by racial slurs because I hate stupid people. But I donā€™t think I should be just as stupid in response. As far as hurting me, I think you could get farther insulting my shoes than you could by insulting my family history. (I almost said ā€œthe Jewsā€ just for a rhyme)
Besides, in the end YOU are the one who chooses what words affect you. Words are meaningless unless spoken by someone who has meaning to you.
A stranger could tell me how ugly and stupid I am for days and I would not care. If my lover said it I would cry.
I once had a close friend teach her child to call me big nose. She is not a friend anymore. But when a stranger says it. I just think ā€œignorant bastardā€ and go on with my day.

[quote=ā€œjdsmithā€]If racism is rooted in humanity(Iā€™d say ā€œin human civilisationā€ though), what is its purpose?

Iā€™m thinking economics.[/quote]

Correct. Xenophobia was simply a part of our past. Trespassing onto another tribeā€™s land would often mean death, especially as scarcity of resources was any hunting-gathering groupā€™s primary concern. Common language didnā€™t come about until civilization.

Life in the past for humanity can be seen as it was by studying current stone aged peopleā€™s such as those native to PNG, which has over 1000 completely different languages.

Your son will grow up a ā€œfreeā€ man. I.e. free from some of the baggage that usually hauls folks down. People spend way too much time obsessing over how other folks view themā€“both as individuals and as part of some predetermined group.

If someone chooses to see me as something or other depending on my physical features then that is their problem. I decided on that while in my youth and it was the most freeing principle I could have adopted. It has served me well. It allows me to see ignorance for what it is and lets me disregard idiots.

Many interesting points raised in this thread.

Iā€™ve often considered jdsmithā€™s point about why humans tend towards racism. Economics is one point.

I had one of my patented crazy ideas a few weeks ago. This is something Iā€™d like to make the mad dream of a supervillian for a comic book I havenā€™t written yet. ITā€™S NOT AN ACTUAL SUGGESTION OR CONCEPT I ENDORSE!!

It does seem like racism could be systematically eliminated under a totalitarian ā€˜big-brother-styleā€™ world government. You could just breed it out of people by never allowing two people of the ā€œsame raceā€ (as we understand that concept today) to have a child. Babies would be produced by artificial insemination; i.e. first the sperm of a black man and egg of a white woman would be used to produce a child. When that adult grew to adulthood, their sperm or egg would be mixed with that of a half-Chinese, half-Inuit person, and so on and so on until there are no ā€˜pureā€™ people left of any race. The supervillian with this idea hopes that the resulting lack of racism would be a boon to the world and would simultaneously make the world populace easier to rule. In the end, his system fails because people still rise up against him after first binding together based on religious or geographical associationā€¦

Frank, why would that be a super-villain in a comic book? There are plenty of folks around Van Nuys, California, who could make that into a perfectly good porn movie.

people can insult white people all they want to if itā€™s RIGHT. i just insulted white people by saying weā€™re wussies, which we ARE. but claims of our INFERIORITY are not to be tolerated, just as i will not tolerate white people claiming superiority over Asian people.

would black people allow, even in jest, the N word? no way. why do we allow racist slurs pointed at us? WHY? itā€™s not our burden.

how would TWese people feel about terms like slant eyes, chop stick, rice sucker, bruce lee, flat nose, juandice face, rice paddy daddy, tokyo momma, chink, gook, yellow devil??

If they can say ah do gah, then let the floodgates of open. if they can speak like human beings, then let understanding flow thru those gates.

iā€™m sick of fucking wu dzong shien and ;'m sick of the news calling us lao wai. next time iā€™m on TV and i hear lao wai, i will use the word lao dzong profusely(did you know they actually donā€™t like the term lao dzong?)and EVERY DISGUSTING ASIAN SLUR I CAN THINK OF til they say sorry. then i will say sorry too.

to allow them to continue to insult us is to re-enforce their belief that they are superior.
sick of this racist crap.
somtimes, maybe you have to fight fire with fire. itā€™s the only way these bigot jerks get it, if at all.

is ā€œah do gahā€ any different than saying ā€œbig lipsā€ to a black person? itā€™s dirty. and it needs to be eliminated at least from the media.

CHARACTURE is a form of racist empowerment. just as the ā€œblackie dollsā€ with exxagerated features were used in the past to give whites a feeling of superiority over black people, so is ā€œah do gahā€ being used to empower TWese with a sense of superiority over white people. and if you look to the root, the Taiwan government is the INSTIGATOR!

:slight_smile::slight_smile: i must say tho that you have just strung together a whole string of insults to ol slanty and all they can muster against you is ā€œlao waiā€ and big nose but yetā€¦seems they are winning?? :slight_smile: :laughing: (at getting your goat)

Tyc00n wrote: [quote]Correct. Xenophobia was simply a part of our past. Trespassing onto another tribeā€™s land would often mean death, especially as scarcity of resources was any hunting-gathering groupā€™s primary concern. [/quote]
Yes, to some degree, but in comparison to other animals, what stands out is how well our distant ancestors co-operated (as shown by evidence of ancient trade networks).

No, language came much earlier than civilization.

Well, they give some window to the past but PNG is hardly stone age; most tribal groups rely on farming,not hunting and gathering.

Not having a go at you tyc00n, but I couldnā€™t let these mistakes pass.

wowā€¦ theposterā€¦ just wow.

What happens when you are a minority in a country and you piss off all the other members of that minority in the country? :unamused:

Has fighting fire with fire, in a racial sense, Ever Worked In The History Of Humanity!???!?!?! Seriously!

Speak for yourself. Iā€™m not. Just because I donā€™t get bent out of shape by a term doesnā€™t make me a wussie. Donā€™t mistake ā€œdonā€™t give a fuckā€ for wussiness. Someone who moans and whines, rants and blubbers, about a fucking description, on the other hand, is about as wussie as it gets. To me, at least.

i so disagree. Your ancestors are dead. And race is nothing but biology. I get angry by racial slurs because I hate stupid people. But I donā€™t think I should be just as stupid in response. As far as hurting me, I think you could get farther insulting my shoes than you could by insulting my family history. (I almost said ā€œthe Jewsā€ just for a rhyme)
Besides, in the end YOU are the one who chooses what words affect you. Words are meaningless unless spoken by someone who has meaning to you.
A stranger could tell me how ugly and stupid I am for days and I would not care. If my lover said it I would cry.
I once had a close friend teach her child to call me big nose. She is not a friend anymore. But when a stranger says it. I just think ā€œignorant bastardā€ and go on with my day.[/quote]

Ayn klaynigkeit ! Total bupkes.
Her ex-friend must be pretty dumb cuz sheā€™s just a shiksa with a tiny shnoz.

As a minority, Iā€™ve been sensitized and had to deal with racism/slurs/looks/treatment for a long time. I agree with standing up for who you are, but not in the way the poster SEEMS to be suggesting (and I may be reading him wrong), and perhaps not as simple as Tigerman sees it. Your culture, heritage, is part of your identity and you shouldnā€™t be made to feel bad about it, but neither should you make it an eye for an eye.

Thereā€™s a lot of ignorance in this world that clouds peopleā€™s minds. Easier said than done of course, but the only way thru that mud is educating others and communicating. Donā€™t get bogged down by the mud yourself.

Getting angry is generally lame. Anybody who goes out of their way to try to insult me for my race is not worth getting angry at ā€“ the adults are often pitiful specimens who donā€™t deserve my time and little kids donā€™t get my blame. I donā€™t buy into any sense that one society is especially superior to the other ā€“ the ā€œChineseā€ invented the compass, gunpowder and noodles, but it took western creativity to find ways to use all three at the same time.

Those who negligently project wrongheaded concepts onto me will usually get a bit more than they wanted ā€“ a polite explanation of whatever it is theyā€™ve got wrong. Provided Iā€™ve got time, of course. To tell the truth, I donā€™t even know where to start with locals who frequently say things like: ā€œThat guy over there looks so serious ā€“ is he a German?ā€ He might be, but thereā€™s obvious a picture in the localā€™s mindā€™s eye that Iā€™m just never quite going to see. However, I can do a good job explaining that the redness on my face and hands is from an active outdoors weekendā€™s exposure to sun instead of a lunchtime spent drinking. (For those of you who need to explain lunchtime drinking, keep in mind that if they can smell the beer the ā€œsunburnā€ excuse is not going to work.)

Some things that are interpreted as ā€œracismā€ are just the same-old bad manners that many people in many cities have ā€“ it may only be that we as foreigners are considered more willing ā€œsapsā€ for various kinds of behavior but Iā€™ve seen plenty of @ssholes the world over. When somebody local shoves me aside to cut the line to get onto an MRT train, they expose their achilles heel ā€“ or, more specifically, their achilles tendon. What, like my foot is going to change direction just because thereā€™s a person where there shouldnā€™t have been one??

if you politely explain it to them theyā€™ll just say sorry with a smile on their face. theyā€™ve still won because they have upset you. if you ignore them theyā€™ve still won because you can do nothing but ignore them.

somtimes, iā€™m for grabbing them, putting them into an arm lock, and forcing them to repeat the following:

ā€œwhite people are not inferior
my mother is a biatchā€

how else are you going to wipe the superior smirk off their face?

detach,ran. detach. losing my center here.

[quote=ā€œtheposterā€]if you politely explain it to them theyā€™ll just say sorry with a smile on their face. theyā€™ve still won because they have upset you. if you ignore them theyā€™ve still won because you can do nothing but ignore them.

somtimes, iā€™m for grabbing them, putting them into an arm lock, and forcing them to repeat the following:

ā€œwhite people are not inferior
my mother is a biatchā€

how else are you going to wipe the superior smirk off their face?

detach,ran. detach. losing my center here.[/quote]
And if you just donā€™t give a fuck about them because its unimportant, youā€™ve won. Itā€™s easy.

[quote=ā€œtheposterā€] somtimes, iā€™m for grabbing them, putting them into an arm lock, and forcing them to repeat the following:

ā€œwhite people are not inferior
my mother is a biatchā€

how else are you going to wipe the superior smirk off their face?

detach,ran. detach. losing my center here.[/quote]

Because I would look like a cretinous loon. I am also a 5ā€™2" tall female, so if they chose to cut me into tiny pieces, I would, depending on how you look at it, be the loser.

Your self esteem comes from your self (sorry to speak Ameroprah), not others. Why do you give a fuck if people look down on you?

He just does, ok? Cuz heā€™s in taiwan, and if people, white or non white, donā€™t agree w/ him, heā€™s gonna have his frikkin pound of flesh already

No, I know, itā€™s sad right? It would be ok if he was one of those "back in usa, eatinā€™ krispy kremesā€™ forumosans. but he aint. No offense to them; but i wish heā€™d followā€™em.

I am sure that the mods are now looking at moi with a critical eye. In that light, Iā€™d like to add that the reason Iā€™m so mad is the ā€œArm lockingā€ of the locals that that dude done proposed.