Discussion on prostitution

28 posts were split to a new topic: From prostitution

People have always sought out recreational sex and drugs. For tens of thousands of years. Criminalising either hasn’t worked to date. Decriminising recreational drugs seems to be working the best so far in Portugal, perhaps it would work with prostitution.

All the evidence suggests that, predominantly, men will continue to pay for sex in the future whether it’s legal or not. How best to manage it is the difficult question.

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yeah, it’s funny how some people’s moral compass ends with themselves but doesn’t extend to how others want to live their lives



That’s awesome. Humans do the same thing— a woman may want to have sex with a man, but only if he takes her to dinner first. Nothing wrong with that, and it’s totally legal. It’s only when you give the money directly to her, rather than using it to buy something to give to her, that it becomes illegal. How does that make sense?


only if you have an absolute sense of moral righteousness and don’t think about it too much


So, Melania, what first attracted you to the charming billionaire Donald?


Like how, there’s nothing wrong with labor work, but if you kidnap or force someone to do it then it’s wrong → there’s nothing wrong with sex work, but if you kidnap or force someone to do it then it’s wrong


Possibly the main issue is some people don’t want to accept that something as intimate as sexual intercourse could or should be used as a transaction. Whether that’s for money, food, shelter, marrage, babies etc. Unfortunately, it always has been. Not all the time or with everyone, but a lot of the time and with a lot of people. Sometimes subconsciously.


Well there is definitely an exchange of something going on , how much is the exchange rate would depend on many factors such as aesthetics and laws of supply and demand…

Anyway how much is the exchange rate these days ? :wink:

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Well that clears it up. End of story. No prostitution in red light districts.

“We sell company, not sex,’ say women who work in Taiwan’s red light district”

Full story behind pay wall.

“We sell information, not clickbait tabloidism.”

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In Taoyuan, it looks like it’s the end of an era. What else will COVID end up killing?



As usual I don’t understand the reporting. The last legal brothel has closed, but potential brothel owners can still apply for a licence?

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Where do you see that?

“Taiwan’s last legal brothel closed its doors recently, partly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and that could herald an end to licensed brothels in the country,”

Either it’s the last brothel, or it isn’t. Well, OK, it is the last brothel at this point in time.

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It’s still possible for legal red light districts to be set up, hypothetically, I guess. There is the national legislation allowing it.


Taoyuan has shed loads of illegal bordellos, so it’s a bit odd that the only legal one couldn’t get enough punters.

To preempt the “How do you know?” response a few of my friends are regulars. Dirty buggers.

I bet they weren’t as attractive as the young women in some of the other establishments.

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Sadly true. Young SE Asian or elderly Taiwanese.

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Which provides better tea, though?