Dissident perspectives on Animal Socialism šŸ® šŸ”

I enjoy trying to unravel your posts. What I genuinely appreciate is you are, AFAIK, totally honest.


yet youā€™ll watch me starve to death or be rendered homelessā€¦ or both.

Not looking forward to old age.

Nobody looks forward to old age.

Iā€™m 50, so Iā€™m guessing that Iā€™ll be dead before you starve to death.

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Iā€™ll buy you a 껷肉é£Æ if youā€™re literally starving.


Jesus, give him a breakā€¦ :man_facepalming:

Yeah me too, if only to support @Dr_Milkerā€™s transition toward socialism. :grin:


Charity and socialism are completely different things. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Sure, but itā€™s a start. :grin: Maybe the admins can set up some centrally managed, obligatory fund-raising scheme.

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And the next thing you know, you end up with piles of skulls. :grin:


Back in the 70s when the UK was dabbling with Communism, they helped the Chilean government to do exactly that:

There are still plenty of countries that think Communism works. Maybe GooseEgg can sell his consulting services?

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Nice thread title. I love those rare sightings of @yyyā€™s sense of humor. :grin:


:chicken: :-1:

:raccoon: :+1:

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Raccoons are socialists? No way. Itā€™s always ā€œme me me.ā€


Well, I suppose a garbage dump would be a centralized economy in a certain sense.

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Ah, the good old days

I can see why youā€™re nostalgic.

@MikeN1 logic: Allende bad, therefore Pinochet good. :woozy_face:


I was just poking fun at Communists and their big clever ideas. This time it will work! Doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m a fan of CIA-sponsored interventions.

To be fair, it was very clever stuff, given the technology available at the time. And it wasnā€™t really a command economy - it was more an attempt to track the economy with solid data, rather than centralize it.

Communism is simply a product of industrialization.

They saw that industrialization produced a lot of things, extremely rich people but masses of exploited people.

Perhaps Marx naively thought that if the government took over wealth distribution that things would somehow be better. Little did he know that governments just ends up being the robber barons, except they have no incentives to care about needs or market.

Not saying communism is right or anything but people who thinks automation or anything would bring about a post scarcity world is naive. Greed is a powerful thing and regardless of how much we have and how plentiful anything is, greed will make sure it is concentrated to the few.

Only way for communism to truly work is for the human brain to evolve beyond scarcity.