Do Chihuahuas kill?

All people aren’t inherently good. How can we suppose all dogs are? Some might have personality problems from birth. What might be more accurate to say is there’s no such thing as a bad breed of dog.


Labs can be mean. I was once cornered by one in a garden. It was my mate’s dog, so I didn’t want to kill it, but it kept coming at me. Not snarling or barking, just slobbering and playfully taking chunks out of my arms. It was a scary experience, but not as terrifying as the time I was cornered by two St Bernards that wanted to rip my throat out. Luckily my aunt rocked up in the nick of time and saved my ass. I should never have jumped that fence.

Yes, there might be a few problematic dogs, but mostly, people turn them into that, through inbreeding, massive puppy farming and other illegal activities which promote bad genes.


How does someone have TWO instances of dogs trying to kill them? I don’t even have one… not that I’m jealous or anything.

I’m going to presume you’re now a cat person. :cat:

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It’s actually a dangerous assumption. Domesticated dogs still have inherent aspects of wild animals. Yes, they have aspects of a pack mentality, but to assume that even a well trained dog will never attack is very risky. They should not be left unattended with young children, as an example.


Indeed. I have two. :kissing_cat:
I had three, but one had to be recently euthanized.

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Yes and no. All dogs are potentially problematic. Some far more so than others due to the reasons you’ve mentioned.

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Sorry about your (third) cat. Hey, at least you can own them. My wife hates cats and told me she’ll never agree to getting one. :disappointed:

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He probably smells like bacon.

Nonsense. I smell like tofu. On occasion, the stinky kind.


I bet if you wrapped tofu in bacon a dog would eat it. Hell, I’d eat it.

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Does tofu smell of anything (obviously not the stinky variety)? I won’t eat the dull crap, but always assumed it had no smell.

Most animals, tools, and appliances shouldn’t be left unattended with young children.

By saying “there’s no such thing as bad dogs” I’m not implying the opposite is true. Dogs behave like dogs. It’s not really fair to apply goodness or badness to them as they’re just animals. They are, however, particularly easily “programmed” by humans to behave a certain way. So their human ultimately assumes the bulk of the responsibility for their behavior.

A good dog owner trains their dog in a way that makes them both happy, or in the case of dogs with occupations, provides a specific service. A bad dog owner doesn’t train them at all, or trains them in a way that makes them dangerous to others. That’s the way I see it.

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I’d say it has an ever so slight sour smell…like me.

Like a yeast infection?

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I don’t want to say anything crude and vulgar, lest I run afoul of the moderators, but my wife tells me that my ejaculate smells of tofu (thankfully not the stinky kind). I can’t smell it, but apparently it does have a distinct odor.

God no. Those smell horrible.

How does that help me? I don’t know what your ejaculate smells like.

You know my address, mate. :heart:


Maybe a new thread should be started from this newly started thread? Mods?