Do Foreign Prisoners in Taiwan Have Access to NHI?

Hi all,
I’m currently editing a document for a Taipei-based human rights organization. There is reference to the need for prisons to implement the popular name-based mask rationing system within the prison so as to allocate the appropriate disease-prevention medical supplies for prisoners through the use of the prisoner’s NHI card. I need to know, though, as to whether international people have access to the NHI as a means of getting treatment within prison. If not, I would concede that the rights of international people are being infringed insofar as they would not have equal access to medical care that local inmates do to the extent that they would be required to pay higher costs while in prison (how do they have access to funds to accommodate those costs?). Prisoners have apparently had access to the NHI since 2013 (sourced below but no mention of international people imprisoned in Taiwan).

If anyone happens to know about this very specific question, sources for the law would be much appreciated.

The same regulation on NHI enrollment (全民健康保險法第9條) is applied to foreign inmates with the other foreigners.



(一)四類三目(由法務部補助保險費):執行期間逾2 個月之受刑人、受戒治人、強制工作受處分人、感化教育學生及刑法第91 條之1 強制治療受處分人。
(二)非四類三目(自行付費納保):被告、受觀察勒戒人、少觀所收容少年、民事被管收人及應執行期間2 個月以下之受刑人。
(三)不符保險資格,無法納保:不符全民健康保險法第8 條規定之本國籍收容人,以及不符全民健康保險法第9 條規定之外籍收容人。又外籍收容人若領有居留證且在臺居留期間滿六個月者(以移民署資料為準),得納入健保


BTW, why didn’t you ask the question to the organization?

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Thank you for the help!

I suppose I could have asked them, but I think they would disregard this as a legitimate concern considering it was not already addressed in the document. Approaching the topic with proof of what I already believe to be the case would make my argument more reasonable that emphasis should be placed on addressing the needs of those that do not have access to NHI in their document.

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If your interest is in healthcare for inmates, it is regulated by Chapter 8 of Prison Act.