Do I have a chance of getting a Taiwanese passport and TARC?

Hi everyone,

my mother had a phone call with the NIA some days ago while we were looking for more information on her 除戶謄本. I have good news: The clerk said that for cases like newhere’s or mine, active household registration is not required, and as expected we just have to hand over a 除戶謄本.

Now how does one get this 除戶謄本? The person who initially pointed me into that direction also told me that I could just go to any household office with my mother’s old 戶籍謄本 and ask for a 除戶謄本 (probably relying on the clerk’s goodwill), but there is also an official way: My mother needs to sign a 授權書 appointing my aunt as her representative, and then my aunt can get the 除戶謄本 in her place.

I don’t know where one normally gets this 授權書, but the TECOs seem to offer them as well because my mother could take one from there. The process needs to go through them, and also costs a little bit (~15 EUR if I remember correctly), but we haven’t completed the form yet.

I will now make the best out of the information we have researched, and start my TARC application! I plan to have everything ready by August. See you then!