Doctor–Patient confidentiality/illegal drugs

I want to ask my doctor about any interactions between my new medicine and a certain illicit drug.

Would it be safe to do so? I’m not sure if the doctor-patient confidentiality regulations are as strong as they’d be in the US and other Western countries.

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Do you not have the internet?

I’d go through Bing before I’d do that. The doctor may have lost a gf/bf to a foreigner in college.


The attitude to confidentiality is very different in Taiwan.

My doctor met me in the street and, rather panicked, said “Your friend has leukemia!”. I thought OMG. Then he looked at me closely and said “Not you, the other one.” and walked off.

Another one: my mate had hemorroids and heard the doctor laughing with the nurses about it before he’d even left the clinic. Apparently hie hemorroids were the biggest the doctor had ever seen.


Yeah, probably better to use the internet. I don’t think that’s a good idea.

I’d also imagine it could be problematic for the doctor if anything did happen and they’d told you it was fine without noting it in your records.

Depending on the two drugs in question, I wouldn’t necessarily expect a typical Taiwanese doctor to know anyway. Loads of things can potentially interact, and unless you’re talking about specific combinations that should definitely be avoided I’d be surprised if that’s a question Taiwanese doctors get too often.


Or one of those “I’ll report you for your own good” types.
Internet that , don’t get that on your record.

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A doctor isn’t going to want to get into trouble when you say you are taking illegal substances along with prescription medicine. Would the doctor report you to the police? If he has a legal reason so he doesn’t get sued if you have a medical issue later on.

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