Doctor warns about periodic paralysis - Taipei Times

Sleep paralysis can come and go anytime, sometimes it can be as long as a year before you get it, than you can get a few times a week, or right one after another the same day. Your brain is awake but your body doesn’t respond. Are you still asleep or awake? Probably somewhere in the middle, although you can hear, but you can’t open your eyes. The only thing I know how to get out of it is trying to move a finger, or wiggle your leg, anything actually. After that you’re exhausted, it takes a lot of power to get out of it.

I’ve not figured out when it actually happens, falling asleep or waking up. It even happens when taking a nap during the day.

Sleep paralysis. I didn’t read the article but maybe what you and Belgian Pie experienced was what Koreans refer to as 가위를 늘리다 (sleep paralysis). Scary. Had it first many years ago then maybe 5 times after that. Check out what Koreans say about this.

I didn’t have sleep paralysis. It was just worse in the morning and gradually gets better and back to being not being able to move again in the morning.

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