Does a rainbow flag on social media mean someone is gay?

I’m a bear.:bear:

Ya, so. Like. There are biological differences, ya?

bet you are buddy, just living your true self! I admire your courage :rainbow_flag:

TL is correct. Humans are a weird outlier among primates in that our DNA is very uniform. It’s also not some PC researchers finding results they wanted, either. It’s genuine, as far as I know, and very odd.

We’re all considerably inbred.

I don’t know if it’s presumptuous but we also have the ability to act against our instinct too (not that we do this most the time). I’m sure animals do this too. Like does a lion ever ponder the ecological impact their living would have? As in would they hunt every last animals off the land without thoughts?

You’ve posted before about how difficult you find it to act against your natural behaviour, Asperger’s I think. I would argue that base instinct/natural behaviour is more powerful than acting against it. Humans generally aren’t able to.

In a natural environment lions wouldn’t be able to kill all prey. Their numbers would drop as the available prey fell. No thought process would be required.

Sure. And yet vastly different phenotypes. More importantly, phenotypes directly related to geography. In other species this warrants minimum varietal status. be it plant or animal, though animal taxonomy seems to prefer sub-species over varieties, we would never have such a singular classification system.

Yes, ther species do this as well, we aren’t that special in this regard. Although to lack of ability to communicate, many humans are presumptuous and assume the other species aren’t as smart/special/whatever as we are. But anyone that works other species knows this all too well.

For example ants are aware of their surroundings and farm, construct, create medicinemed etc accordingly to their outer environment.

It may be easy to assume say monkeys don’t. Or whatever species doesn’t because thy just keep taking and expanding. Thile ignorance of that thought isrhat we are presuming an entire species is exactly the same as the very few individuals we witness. If we only looked at the greediest of people trolling the oceans lighting ancient forces on fire or killing millions of people for their stff. We might well thunk the same thung if we couldn’t communicate with them…and more importantly: if they didn’t look like us.

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Yes, somethings are over thought

I guess you post it to support LGBT but also people can interpret that you are LGBT

It might seem off topic but you can never tell what invaluable service this discussion could actually be doing. For example if you were a gay bonbo in the year 3024 doing archival research on the construction of homosapienormativity in the early internet, then this could be gold dust!

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You are on a forum in Taiwan for expats. Does the irony escape you?

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this post is a month old. statue of incriminations means I will not argue about it.