Does Momoshop really require product photos to be >200kb AND 1000x1000 pixels?

This is a screenshot of the login page for the Momoshop SCM website. This is where the dashboard is for us to manage our shop, upload product photos, etc.

I have our Login ID and password, and I just need the momo OTP, which is supposed to be a 6 digit code. Apparently, the OTP is sent to me by the Momoshop SCM mobile app - which the QR Code links to. Actually, it links to the app’s page in the Google Play store. When you download it to your phone, you see this login:

I highlighted the login for the app, which is supposed to be the Login ID and a 6-digit “vendor” code. Then you press the QR Code button. But when you do that, it pops open a QR Code window to read… what? The only QR Code I am aware of is the one on the desktop login page (at the top of this post), but that’s just to download the mobile app. :frowning:

This screenshot below is from my colleagues phone. It shows the dashboard that comes up when you successfully login. At the bottom right corner is the button to get the momo OTP for the desktop website

So, I don’t have all the information I need to do this – which means I will need to create time to meet with my colleagues in the office and look at what they are looking at on their devices.