Saw the Japanese news reports as did my relatives in Japan and now worry I travel there? I been to the USA many times and feel fine, but does it scare anyone here to travel there? I don’t like people to message me a lot with their worries.
I was kind of relieved after leaving the US that I no longer had to worry about being a victim of random gun violence, but it was replaced with the people who disregard traffic laws and human lives on the road every day. I’d say the threat of me becoming a victim in a traffic violence is more real than gun violence.
I know that. I had thought, or maybe its wrong that Asian areas are more safe. No matter the the killer was Asian, he seemed to target other Asians which could be me or am thinking too much into this?
I personally think that men are more aggressive biologically and we see this in every culture. Women may be less likely than men to shoot people, but women who own guns must be more likely to shoot people than women who don’t own guns. Or children of gun owners will be more likely to shoot people than children of people who are not gun owners.
I won’t argue that men are not more aggressive. I believe in biology. I also believe that gendered statistics are useful in other ways, such as if we look at the educational attainment gap or the prison gap or the death gap. Ignoring the gendered statistics there isn’t going to lead to less resentment, crime, or violence.
But what would lead to less deaths, as per your first chart, is less guns.