Dominos Pizza

Papa John’s is nice, but stinks something fierce.

Collecting the order in a car basically will cause a permanent smell.

pizza hut is so damn greasy man, the dough tastes only of fat/oil, domino’s I can kinda taste some (bad) dough.

Zoca, a mano, solo pizza, pizza club, andrea style, pizzeria oggi. All those joints serve very good Italian style pizza, some traditional Naples style, some more modern style (like Northerner style or Roman Style), and the prices are not far off from PH/Dominoes. Your stomach will thank me.


Oh, I never eat Pizza Hut or Domino’s, and I know where to get the good stuff. Much prefer New York style to Italian though. :slightly_smiling_face:

tastes, enjoy!

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Slightly OT, but I prefer Burger king to McDonald’s. Rarely eat either

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my fav pizza

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Better burgers

Better fries

In relative terms I agree


Yeah, I mean it’s all industrial product when you come down to it.

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I lived on Domino’s Pizza for a couple years. Deliverd to your door before Uber Eats and all that other stuff.

I would like to try one but I don’t think Taiwan style would bring back any memories.



This explains a lot. :sweat_smile: