Door and Minimum Charges

Good job t-p-b,

but what ever happend to this concept?


are we :notworthy:


I Think pubs have the right to charge a minimum as long as you get a drink or something in return.
At least foreign run places don’t charge for a table. Brown Sugar is $5-$10,000 to sit down…Locals dont seem to mind though. We should bear in mind we are in Taiwan where its the accepted norm to pay.

For those of you who are concerned about keeping riff-raff out…
Why just not let them in? Don’t you have the right as a bar owner to not let in whoever you want? In Los Angeles at the posh pubs the bouncers will turn you away for not having the right clothes or hair. So I don’t see any problem with you just turning away customers you consider undesirable.

[quote=“trebuchet”]For those of you who are concerned about keeping riff-raff out…
Why just not let them in? Don’t you have the right as a bar owner to not let in whoever you want? In Los Angeles at the posh pubs the bouncers will turn you away for not having the right clothes or hair. So I don’t see any problem with you just turning away customers you consider undesirable.[/quote]

We do on occasion turn away ‘undesirable’ people but this is judged on an ad hoc individual basis based on their overall demeanour; state of inebriation, possibility of being under the influence of narcotics, jumpy and aggressive attitude, lack of basic civility etc. In some cases, people are just plain filthy and reak of body odour and we refuse entry, politely suggesting that quality time with a bar of soap might be a good idea; after all, we don’t want to subject our patrons to a bio-hazard.

In general, I would suggest that people intending to go to a club or upscale bar or restaurant make an effort with their appearance and cross-check their attitude before setting out. Example: Turning up in cheap flip-flops and a grubby T-shirt and yelling “Let me in, I am a foreigner” when there is a line of people waiting, won’t wash with me if that person fails some or all of the above criteria as it it implies a superiority over our hosts and is just plain dumb, disrespectful and offensive.

