Drunk driving ex-con almost kills Forumosan in car smash

You’re right, or wrong, depending on who you are :wink: … Evidently the causing an accident while driving drunk charge is automatic… Even if we reach an out of court settlement and drop the charges, he will still face the drunk driving accident charge regardless… It’s great that he’ll have to face the music for the drunk driving bit, and any judge anywhere in the world would regard a drunk driving, serious injury causing crasher with a previous criminal record as the kind of scum worth throwing the book at, but on Planet Taiwan™ he’ll probably get 30 days or a NT$30k fine… :fume:

Ok just a quick note to myself. I just linked YouTube.com to this thread at present it has 3361 views. I’m guessing that’ll double within 36 hours…but that’s just a guess

Last I knew, if someone didn’t press charges, there was no case. The District Attorney doesn’t work the same way here as in the states; same thing for rape here too (AFAIK…used to be that way).[/quote]

Well if I wasn’t fobbed off at that time by the police, then what they led me to believe was that the person caught with having stolen my bike as well as three others was automatically charged with a “state” crime and automatically sent to prison for six months for the theft of motorcycle(s). I was told that I couldn’t receive damages as he was charged with a “state” crime and so I couldn’t negotiate a settlement with the criminal on my own terms.
Please don’t let me know that I was misinformed by the police because I will only hate this place more than enough already. Fucking lowlives!

[quote=“Mordeth”]Ok just a quick note to myself. I just linked YouTube.com to this thread at present it has 3361 views. I’m guessing that’ll double within 36 hours…but that’s just a guess[/quote]580 views since late last night already. I wonder how many of them registered… Beer’s on the house for you sir… :wink:

I don’t get it… more views is better because _______ ? :idunno:

I don’t get it eather, but I’m not that smart :s

Cap’n Stag, you doin’ any better? I hope you’re healing well.

Hey Guys,

I’m now ending the first of my 8 week “stay at home” recovery period. I’m feeling a little better every day, but I’m still supposed to take things very easy for at least 1 more week. The doctors have been very specific about the condition of my liver…Since I came very close to needing surgery to patch up the laceration to my liver, the doctors have urged me to let the scar tissue build itself enough before I try doing little things around the house. In other words, the scar tissue can let go at anytime due to excess or brisk movement…and this would cause more internal bleeding and another trip to the hospital…

I’m not in any pain exept for some discomfort when sleeping. Other than that, I’m killing time by reading books, watching movies, surfing the net, TT on the Ps2 and hanging with the occasional visitor…That’s all I can do for now until I go for another check next week, at which point we’ll know what kind of progress i’ll have made…All in all, I’m glad to be feeling the way I am at this point.

As for the hillbilly that hit me, we’ll be meeting in court this coming Friday for some kind of hearing…Hopefully we will get something fairly settled…


I don’t get it eather, but I’m not that smart :s[/quote]

It’s not “better”, but it is “interesting” or “cool”…knowing that thousands of people all over the world are reading about Captain Stag and wishing for him to get well…while cursing the drunken driver. That’s why.

er… oookay :ponder:… different strokes I guess… whatever floats your boat…

I don’t get it eather, but I’m not that smart :s[/quote]

It’s not “better”, but it is “interesting” or “cool”…knowing that thousands of people all over the world are reading about Captain Stag and wishing for him to get well…while cursing the drunken driver. That’s why.[/quote]

If you linked it on a motorbike forum as a reminder about the dangers on the road I would see the point, but I don’t see it at the moment sorry.

Gues I’m not that smart :blush:

Well either way…it’s not that big a deal…if you don’t agree with it…or if it confuses you…why not just ignore it. That way both myself and yourselves can focus on other things. I thought it would be a little interesting to note the views…but not so interesting that I want to waste time typing about it.

I also thought it was interesting to see the views going up so quickly. I was looking at it differently myself…

I thought that plasmatron had handled the situation so well that for education purposes alone, it was a good thing to have more people read this story.

More support is good for CS. Maybe someone will post a first post here to say “Dude! Glad you made it!” or something like that. CS is quietely convalescing at home and he can use the conversation and the encouragement, I’m sure. :wink:

Glad to hear you are no longer in pain, CS. That’s a sure sign of steady recovery. :slight_smile:

I don’t get it eather, but I’m not that smart :s[/quote]

It’s not “better”, but it is “interesting” or “cool”…knowing that thousands of people all over the world are reading about Captain Stag and wishing for him to get well…while cursing the drunken driver. That’s why.[/quote]

@Mordeth, that’s cool dude…it’s a public forum, so It’s fine that people other than forumosans see the post…it’s a fine example of things that can happen here.

Let it mentioned again that things could have been much worse had I not been wearing proper riding gear. I always bought gear from reputable brands and all of it didi it’s job with flying colors.

@Bobepine, Thanks again…Things are looking up and as along as the weather is nice, I can keep taking walks around my community to keep things moving well.


Is there any update to this story?

Funnily enough, I was just wondering the same thing yesterday (as a 4x4 drove past with “Captain Stag” written on it in big yellow letters).

yep… not really a 100% happy ending though… Cpt.Stag (named after, you guessed it the legendary and most sublimely named purveyors of the finest Zhang Hua County made tents and camping supplies… “buy a Cadillac, it’s the Captain Stag of cars:wink: ) has made a full recovery health wise, so that’s the main thing…

The little sh*t who almost killed him as it turns out still had three years to serve on his previous conviction for robbery for which he was out on bail at the time of the crash, this meant that no matter what he’d be going back to jail, also the drunk driving charge is automatic and cannot be “negotiated” away (and rightly so), but effectively it meant that as far as negotiating a settlement was concerned he had nothing to lose… at the arbitration hearing he agreed to a deal of about 2/3 of what it was going to cost to fix the bike, then started stalling and doing the run around somewhat predictably… in the end he decided to just take the jail sentence instead of settling and the courts (if you slog it out and go through the protracted motions and catch a lucky day with a judge who isn’t out to “get whitey” and actually win the case) can do nothing but issue a “credit note” of sorts which would in utopia mean the guy has to pay X amount of money to CS every month until it’s paid off, but in practice is utterly unenforceable, especially since it’s set, very low % of proven income that has to be paid and the guy’s story from the start was that he’s a washed up ex-con and can’t find work…

So in the end CS got some dismal payout in the barely six figure range and the asshole went back to jail for the previous conviction and the drunk driving charge, although since the binglang chewing, uneducated hick that he is Ai’s Daiwan like the best of them, he’s no doubt been pardoned by the greaseball in chief Chen Shui-Bian, and is probably as we speak back rolling the streets of NanTou County sippin’ on gin and juice… beeyaitch… :fume:

Shouldn’t his insurance pay for the damage ? Wait, this is Taiwan :doh:

Should be checking in more often. Like Plasmatron said…I’ve made a full recovery from my injuries. I’m just happy that nothing permanent came from this other than not having a bike for a long time. Financially, it’s a fiasco and I swear never to own anything nice of value in Taiwan again…responsibility is not a concept that people here seem to understand and doesn’t seem to be something they wish to acknowledge…

anyway, the most important is that I’m fine now and I’ve just put this whole thing behind me and I’m looking forward to owning a bike again when I get back to Canada…(soon)

Cheers and thanks again to all that posted and cared!

The Capt