DUI record, seeking employment to working ARC

Yes that’s what they told me. They also told me I can keep working with this work permit, but they can not provide me a working arc. Lol

A friend of mine was caught for DUI in Kaoshuing (this was more than a decade ago, in 2007 or 2008 can’t remember now). He was ordered off his scooter, placed in the back of a squad car, & a cop drove his scooter to the police station. He was way over the limit. He was fined 30K or something like that. He had a work ARC at that time. He quit that job, came to Taipei, found a new job. Then he received a letter from a Court in Kaoshuing saying he has to attend classes in Kaoshuing every week for a period of 6 mths. He commuted to KH every week from Taipei to do the classes. The good thing about all of this was—> It happened a LONG time ago when Taiwan was very lenient to drunk driving. His ARC wasn’t revoked, he applied for an APRC, got it and then he applied for Citizenship and got that too. He was very fortunate and in a way, the DUI was a blessing in disguise for him. He became sober and now only drinks on certain occasions and never operates a vehicle once drunk. Right after this, he was diagnosed with Ulcers, his doctor advised him to give up drinking completely. To this day, he counts his blessings that he was very lucky he got off easy, health wise and visa wise.

Since then, Taiwan has become very strict, in fact, it maintains its stance on “Zero Tolerance” on drunk driving. You will often see these words “酒後駕駛 零容忍” on those electronic billboards on the roads and freeways.
Punishment for Drunk Driving (1 July 2019)
Drunk driving in Taiwan causing injury now punishable by prison sentence, up to NT$3 million fine (2022/01/24)
Heavier drunk driving penalties approved (Jan 25, 2022)
You were lucky you didn’t get a prison sentence as that would entail an immediate deportation after you have completed your sentence.

I doubt there is anything else you can do to resolve this other than leaving after your current visa expires. This was a real hard lesson for you and I hope this unfortunate event changes you for the better. Wish you the best for the future!


APRC has a requirement to be of “decent character”, which a conviction does not help. I wouldn’t take for granted that the official with whom you spoke is the authority on the matter.


You need to be realistic and get your affairs in order. You won’t be able to reenter the country for two years. Immigration rules are rarely flexible.


To apply for the APRC you will need to have a local police criminal background report, and unfortunately, this DUI might impact that too.

As time now matters for you, seek the help of a lawyer to see what options you have on the table in your favor.

Best of luck!

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Only probable solution I see is marrying a Taiwanese… Hey @Satellite_TV, interested in sprucing up your fancy Taiwan ID? LOL

Needs a criminal background check if marrying ROC citizen.

Cops are some people’s friends in Taiwan. Why do you think there is so much corruption and organized crime?