Dum dum - da da dum - da da da dum - da dum- Origin of?

Dum dum - da da dum - da da da dum - da dum

Does anyone know the origin of this clapping/ chanting rhythm? It’s not easy to Google a rhythm - not without that iPhone ap anyway.

It is known in Chinese/Taiwan according to my wife. 爱的鼓励掌声 Roughly translated by Google as "Love the applause of encouragement. Googling the Chinese brought a reference to the Olympics.

My best guess:


go to 2:45

may predate I guess

There is “clap, clap, clap-clap-clap, clap-clap-clap-clap, Let’s Go!” Apparently a cheer from sporting events.

Here’s your answer: :bow:

I can’t be certain but I’d place money on it predating any pop song by a long way. And the Bay City Rollers rhythm isn’t even close.

Is it international? My wife knew it, so by definition… yes. But do you hear it at sports events in North America?

I always associated it with football but there seems to be a reference to the Olympics on a Chinese website. It could be hundreds of years old as far as I know. I’d bet on at least 50 to a hundred years, if not ancient.

edit: I just remembered, 2-4-6-8, who do we ap-pre-ci-ate?

Most likely marching band origin…military.

Yeah, nice try on the Rollers, but no dice.
Definitely I remember when my big sister was a cheerleader in junior high (uh, say, early 70’s) they had cheers that used it (One! Two! One two three! One two three four! Let’s go!).
I want to say I heard the organ player doing at Oil Kings games in the 60’s, but I can’t be certain.

It goes back at least as far as the 1950s in football.

How about the classic “You’re gonna get your fuckin head kicked in”?

Wikipedia appears to have an entry on this, if you can believe that. I may be misreading the Chinese, though. zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%84%9B% … 3%E5%8B%B5

That page mentions the song Let’s Go by The Ventures as a possible origin.

[quote=“fruitloop”]It goes back at least as far as the 1950s in football.

How about the classic “You’re gonna get your fuckin head kicked in”?

No rhythm. It was always “you’re goin home in a fuckin ambulance” when I was a regular on the terraces.