Dumbest thing a foreigner has said about Taiwan?

Pretty close. Dumbest thing a foreigner has said about his Taiwanese girlfriend could be to think the following is a stupid thing to say:

when this is simply a mispronunciation, and on a good bit of vocabulary, too. You know who has trouble with the r/l distinction? Lots of Asians, for example Chinese speakers.

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I think I’d really like planes to work like this.

“My sister is so black because my mom drank a lot of tea while she was pregnant.”

That…kinda makes Taiwan sense.

1/8’s not bad?

People also rob stuff in the countryside here . Hence bars and dogs.

While in Lincolnshire England
Me “I live in Taiwan now”
Idiot “Oh i love Thai women, I have heard they will do anything for you”
Me “I said Taiwan not Thailand”
Idiot “Same kind of thing you know what I mean”
Me "No I don’t actually "
Idiot “Ok but the beaches are amazing right”
Me “Huh, I have to go now , so see you around maybe”


In the old times crusher would have ended that conversation with a Glasgow kiss. Times have changed.:grin:
And yes I’ve had similar annoying conversations .

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She was a very large woman. Over 6 feet tall, towards the “obese” end of the spectrum. Hey, we’re all colors of the rainbow and all, but she ought to have been the last person to engage in body shaming. :slight_smile:


If you are lucky enough to have lived in Taiwan as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for the sausage in sausage and beer in cans is a movable feast.


I wonder if we could still bill the NHI for future medical expenses when the effects become clear. :upside_down_face:


It is safe though.

I have zero problem leaving my apartment during the witching hour and walking around the park or to a 24-hour shop. I wouldn’t do the same living in a big city in America or UK. Or, at the very least, I’d be cautious doing so.

The only real danger comes from idiotic drivers.

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I guess everyone looks like a “child” to her.


Burglary, that’s something you don’t read about or see in the news.

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Anyways, when you see someone pooped in front of your door it means they couldn’t get in to steal stuff.

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Or they just hate you.

For not being able to get into your house.

This reminds me of one of those movie scenes where it cuts to a group of drunk businessmen just in time to hear the punchline of a joke in which you can’t possibly figure out the set-up.

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My experience back in the day precisely…

Just now, my heading out story: Crosswalk green for me to cross a small street in front of an elementary school. I look both ways, step into the road, and a parked car suddenly decided it was time to back up, with speed, into the crosswalk, almost hitting me. I made a fist and hit the back of the car so hard. Not two seconds later, as I continued attempting to cross the street, a car making a left turn didn’t seem to care that I was in the crosswalk. Felt like a new record for near deaths by moronic drivers. Twice in one crossing!!

But I’m going to repeat what I’ve said on other threads: Taipei might be safer than other cities from a “not getting murdered/mugged” standpoint, but that doesn’t mean people don’t get into dangerous situations. Nighttime is a great time to get into dangerous situations, even if most people don’t. Think watermelon knives, golf clubs, etc w/common folk. The moron who nearly backed into me could have happily grabbed his watermelon knife and come after me for smacking his car. Also, plenty of gun deaths with the gangs. Can’t pretend it doesn’t happen, even if you don’t know anyone involved.


Nice one.