Ear Balloon Surgery in Taiwan

Hi, i’m in a position right now and not sure where to go with this. I have ear problems with mild to severe pressure most of the day and am wanting to get something called “Balloon Eustachian tuboplasty”.
heres a video about it:

I’m home in Australia right now and no doctors here are wanting to refer me to get it, and even if i got referral the waiting times are up to a year. I was considering living in Taiwan in near future for a few months maybe but at this point i am willing to travel to Asia or anywhere to get surgery as its impossible to put up with this for much longer.

I’m just wondering if anyone has had this done or knows any places to have this done in Taiwan and what the costs would be, or if its even available here. I cant find out much on google, it seems heavily censored these days with little info (here at least).

The government in Taiwan actively promotes medical tourism.

This seems to be the official website of that initiative:


Maybe you can start your search there and contact some of the hospitals which specialize on medical tourism (meaning they should have no issues with communicating in English etc.).

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I very much doubt Google is heavily censored in Australia.

But anyway here’s your guy

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Awesome thanks. I tried ringing them up but some answering machine thing in Chinese answered…i don’t know if anyone there except that particular doctor and a few other would speak much English. Just wondering likely what the average surgery costs are in general, if i get the Working Holiday Visa, i don’t know if that will get me the National Health Insurance, i think you need ARC for that. Not sure if you could claim it on travel insurance like SafetyWing since it wasn’t like what i assume most hospital visits are covered for things like car crashes and such.

iirc it doesn’t.

yea i didn’t think it would since it’s technically a long tourist visa. Eh it should be still cheaper than the west anyway. Cheaper than America for sure…

Just an update, also for anyone else reading if by some chance they need this surgery. Just emailed them and they said that this doctor doesn’t work here any more. Guess they should update the website.

That’ll explain why there were no clinic times listed.

Damn really having a hard time getting any info out of really any hospital here about how much this procedure would cost, even just the average cost for anything similar also they say you have to make appointment first and stuff like that. Even here in Aus its the same. Last thing i or anyone would want to do is go all the way over just to find out it would cost zillions of dollars.

Ironically the Philippines has some hospitals that list the prices on their websites…a third world country that does better at something who’d of thought.