Earthquakes 2018

I’m breaking out the emergency drambuie


I think they’re cool. And kinda fun being rocked around by something so powerful. I imagine that’s what surfers feel when they go out catching waves during a typhoon

The first on that I experienced in Taiwan as about 2007, thought it fun. Then the next a few months later had me holding the PC monitor to stop it toppling, not so funny. The swarm about April/May 2016 got on my nerves, now this lot today, one felt this morning, then a couple of little ones before the 21:56 (which CWB now says was 5.8) and many small aftershocks since. Here is hoping that all settles down so one can sleep tonight.

OK, I’m bored already. Back to the football game. Just another day in Taiwan…

I’m guessing you weren’t around for the 9/21 earthquake. That was a “whole life flashes before your eyes” level event.


I was taking a bath. My balls were bobbing about like two buoys

Idk if you were in Taiwan in 1999. I was here for the 921 earthquake and that was big, the biggest I’ve felt and the after shock was no joke either. So I guess I don’t really freak out on these lesser ones. And it’s not like there’s anything you can do. I remember they used to make us to earthquake drills in elementary school. We hid under our wooden desks or under a support beam but I feel like if a earthquake is big enough to take the building down. No point in anything you do.

Actually I was. Probably why I don’t freak out anymore.

I was here and it was traumatic

OK, now you’re making sense.

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US Government site says it was 6.1

Eh I think for caution the heaters have to be turned off.

Maybe I was a kid and life and death wasn’t a big deal to me as I probably didn’t have a sense of either at that point. I just remember that it was fascinating how powerful something could be. Then again, I was the kid my parents had to come find in a middle of the typhoon because I wanted to go outside and see and feel it. A bit scary but it feels incredible and makes you feel how small and fragile your life is.

That happened after I was here a short time, the wife was in France, and the power went out just as I was going to bed, the earthquake hit a few seconds later. On the 11th floor it went up to an intensity I had to knell down on the ground to keep balance.

Incredibly she called withing 2 minutes of the earthquake (oblivious), and I tried to tell her there had been a pretty scary earthquake. At the time she was like “ah, we have minor quakes all the time” she did call back twenty minutes later when it was on CNN.


What heaters? My parrots (one snuggling against each ear) don’t have switches.

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Please tell me she said:“FAKE NEWS” and hung up.


So two things.

  1. I live fairly close to the water in luodong , should i be alarmed about tsunami if this happens again?

  2. How do i turn on alerts on my phone? (lol im hearing nothing was sent)

Well at least they’re not snuggled up against your bouys.

Before coming here, I had experienced at least 3 stronger quakes than 921, including one downtown while everything unraveled around me. 921 struck 2 weeks after we arrived, we didn’t know what to do or what was going on. The scary part was how two days later we were expected back in class while aftershocks rolled on and people were still trapped. Like nothing happened outside the classroom and books and repetition. Lost all respect for our teachers then, who did not care to tell us anything, not seemed to care.

9/21 was the second earthquake I lived through with major loss of life. I was also around for the 1989 Loma Prieta quake in California. I was in a bookstore, and books just started flying off the shelves. 9/21 was much scarier though…because Taiwanese architecture.

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