Earthquakes 2022

Temp fate you say? Oh, here comes Auntie Panic:

Cursed date indeed!

You mean tempt fate like how Taiwan was apparently doing drills for a big earthquake the day before this set happened?

Surely more practice, drills and more importantly actual education is a good thing! I find the earthquake education in schools I used to be at as well as my kids schools are…to be polite…lacking. But this is surely more a decision based on school, not the system.

But hey, let’s hear it for only 1 death. sad, but incredibly lucky given how this played out in the east.


My students during an actual quake yesterday: Promptly and quietly under the tables, no one even shouted “earthquake”. I only noticed the quake because suddenly everyone was taking cover in the most perfect way possible.

My students during our drill today (yeah we’re contrarian): “ahhhhhhhh!!! OOoMgG ahhhhh! There’s nowhere for me to hide!!! Must run around like crazy!!!”


400 stranded tourists???

“The stranded tourists descended from the mountain throughout the night, with the last 90 making it down on Monday”

Anybody know what was happening here or where exactly what mountain or what road?

How exactly where they stranded?

Any place with 400 tourists stranded must have had sufficient convenience stores nearby.

Sure. but were they aware of electrical, gas, glass, heavy objects and the best place to go? I was leaning more towards that. Not that I know better either, but am wanting to learn and am absolutely wanting the government to force “public” institutions to take it more seriously.

The mathematical system of triangles seems pretty logical to me. Have heard this over the years, and certainly in work it seems pretty right. But not sure how earthquakes might possible alter outcomes. Might be fun to have these conversations here as well? Lots of teachers here could easily input these things into lessons. We used to do this when I taught. But now I am afraid I was using an old model and probably not the best way to deal with earthquakes to be honest.

During the big shakes this time when we were driving around checking on people everyone was out on the street. Good, buildings break. Bad, all under powerlines, signs, tiled buildings etc. Lots of people around got hit by tiles from stores (711 etc) this time. so much so 711 put their delivery crates out into the road to block people from driving close. There is still some scaledlearning to do, at least in some parts! Not sure what that exactly is myself, but surely there is a lot of research, at least on geometry and safety.

This time me and the family mapped out our house and he dangerous spots, safe spots etc. And because nearly everything inside is destroyed, we will rebuild MUCH differently. This would be an amazing use of government project money to do make work programs that actually benefit society :slight_smile:

Nope. I mean like heading up to the 921 anniversary, we are having many quakes.

The unluckiest date for Mexicans…

I agree we need more drills, real drills. It is actually tempting fate to send messages and not do a real drill. If -heaven forbid- we received a second message and it was the real deal, most people would not react, just as most don’t react to the “drill messages”.

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Up the hills there are aboriginal towns. There are agricultural villages. There was a festival for the summer yellow lilies that are made into soup.

The actual number is like 600 or more.

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This is what the test messages will look like.

This is the information regarding shelter in case of quakes released by local governments.


Indeed. But then the pictures are quite self-explanatory, even for those who don’t read Chinese.

From top to bottom your goodie bag should include the following:

  • Cookies and binglang
  • Plenty of hand sanitizer
  • Happy pills
  • Mask, q-tips and a tool box
  • Toilet paper, tampons and microwaveable popcorn
  • Towel
  • iPad with power bank, torch, radio (do people still own those?)
  • Scooter raincoat, gardening gloves and a whistle
  • ID card and business cards
  • Neighborhood couple consisting of lady with Mao’s red book and guy with infant carrier
  • Old-fashioned MP3 player, hiking stick and an extra set of teeth

Good signs?

Plus a chance to turf that criminal family that has ruled Hualien since, like forever.



Surely it’s a Fisher Price microphone for use to set up a KTV in the shelter?


yes, particularly old guys walking trails, tuned to old time stations


Ahh, I see what you mean now. The dates are close

Perhaps I may add some fuel to conspiracy theories with a mention of a real phenenomom and add no scientific information :slight_smile:

What about the end of summer being hotter then slowly cooling. holding both more moisture in the air as well as causing more to condense out. causing more weight that cause slow quakes. Perhaps the recent storms that past and took a hard right for japan did so because of air pressure and extrapolated our plate stresses on the eastern weird fault lines.

(not real opinions…just in case some think Iamserious)

This one will get the anxiety running nicely :slight_smile:

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People called this hoarding during the CCP virus…

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New after schock, same general area (Taitung)
magnitude ~5



I just got an earthquake drill message on my phone. Anyone else?

Received the earthquake warning drill. Almost shat myself

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Yes! As expected, this is the 9/21 drill, not a real-time warning.



I got the drill message, but no messages about the real earthquakes in the past week.

What gives?