Earthquakes 2022

I’m guessing they’re testing the alert system today because it didn’t work for all the quakes in the last week

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I actually did the drill and hid under my desk…

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It’s a regular thing, sending a drill message on 9/21, planned well before the events this past week.



The new message made my heart skip a beat until I saw “drill.”

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Me too.
Kinda pathetic.

I think they will send a tsunami drill message too (edit: it was supposed to be sent at 9:25)

Supposedly, only those in the areas predicted to reach the intensity of 4 or above get the text.

I am in Kaohsiung. I got one for the 6.4 quake, but not the 6.8 one, even though the latter felt stronger to me.

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Also stupid since a smaller initial shock could immediately be followed by a much larger one.

Alerts would be going off all day every day if they were sent for the smaller ones.



But anything over a 3 or 4 should be sent to everyone.

Disagree for anything over a 3. That’d get annoying af.

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Do they use this kind of messaging system for any other emergency? Or just earthquakes?

Ah, I thought that was an oddly specific time for the drill. Now it makes sense!

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TP shortages

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I think you only get them if you’re in a flood risk area.

Especially while driving, the alert would be more dangerous than the quake.

It’s not an exact science, it depends what gets picked up beforehand then an educated guess, probably some AI running the show. If they have it set too sensitive you will get more false warnings, then people will start to ignore them (more than they do now).

National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction | Public Warning Cell Broadcast Service


I have radios. Not really using them anymore but I do have them!

Didn’t feel anything. Is that part of the drill? xD

have had 2 fairly decent size ones in the last 24 hours. not crazy, but puts one on alert!

the rest have been gradually getting smaller, though longer lasting.

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