Earthquakes 2023


anotha one. Taipei. Basically nothing though…

Another one of those not sure if earthquake or not so you check here to see if others felt it

Edit: an hour later, still don’t see anything on earthquake map. Maybe it wasn’t an earthquake? And whatever it was both bingobango and I felt it?

And I was about to post that there was hope for a quiet night. It’s too cold to stay up.

This is maybe the one - 22:48 out to sea and deep down - off Yilan.

And another East of Hualien at 01:57


I don’t think the danger is great of the Tatun volcanos erupting in my lifetime

Not anymore risk than Fujiyama losing its cool

But I always thought the thing ain’t dead when I am at hsiaouoikeng the place most likely to Erupt of the group

I had no idea there are 20 volcanos there

I thought just Tatun and 7 star

Yep thought i just felt something before…

Don’t jinx us


A little jiggle here in Banqiao.

south east 4.5 (Yushan National Park)

Didn’t feel in Taichung

~5.5 in Hualien (inland)

small shaking in Taichung

Type Earthquake Early Warning
Issued 2023/03/21 09:45:33
Content [地震速報 Earthquake Alert]03/21 09:45左右中部地區發生顯著有感地震,慎防強烈搖晃,就近避難「趴下、掩護、穩住」,氣象局。Felt earthquake alert. Keep calm and seek cover nearby. CWB
Area Nantou County, Changhua County, Hualien County, Taitung County


Small in Hsinchu

very slight in Pingtung

Dog noticed.

More like a slight rolling motion.

It was long.

Mild on 8th floor of Kaohsiung. I noticed it before anyone else in the fam thanks to my keen canine-like senses.


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I was on the road, haven’t felt an earthquake since the big one last fall


Didn’t feel a thing.

Location: Taipei City, Gongguan.
