I was out running errands. I didn’t feel a thing.
I was out running errands. I didn’t feel a thing.
My phone alert sounded in the middle of our busiest time at the office. It gave us a good half a minute to ponder what the fuss was about…then the building started shaking.
Interesting that here in CA we’ve had a few tremors during the past month or so. Making me wonder if moving back from Arizona was a good idea. Maybe the entire Pacific Rim is due for a major seismic correction
Whereabouts in AZ, abd any particular reason to move back to CA?
Phoenix area. I wasn’t intending to stay there long. Just a temporary post Covid move. But the weather’s insanely hot there, the place is running out of water, and it’s frankly kinda boring. LA’s expensive, but I missed the amazing variety and quality of restaurants and things to do.
Saw the news today 100 days over 100F°
100F is nothing for Phoenix. Try 120F in the summer. I lived there for two years and had all kinds issues of like needing to replace tires and windshield wipers because they melted in the sun.
Not so bad location wise though, 4-5 hour to drive Las Vegas, San Diego, the beach in Mexico.
Phoenix is a desert, it shouldn’t have much water. It takes huge civil engineering to sustain Phoenix. What’s worse about Phoenix is that it’s inland, meaning even if they got unlimited electricity, they can’t desalinate water like the Arab states could. It’s one of those cities that shouldn’t exist (most cities are located near rivers because of shipping, but more importantly, water)
I appreciate that your body can actually sweat properly with Arizona’s dry heat. I really miss this actually.
My parents retired in Las Vegas. I used to run there years ago when I visited them. Yes, you sweat. But then it dries on your skin in white sweat streaks. It’s very weird. I lost a bunch of hair on my legs during one longer visit because my skin went so dry and I didn’t know enough to use moisturizer. The winters in the desert are great- sunny every day and cool. I can’t stand the summers there.
Edit: I just realized that this is earthquakes thread.
More like cold, like low 20s or below in winter Las Vegas. Completely opposite of how Las Vegas normally feels, and yes, extremely dry. Have lots of lotions, you will need it.
Mild, brief rocking in Banqiao.
felt it in sanxia
I felt something, but wasn’t sure. Tamsui
Taipei, light shaking
Husband felt it, but I didn’t
Felt it here, slight wobble. 5.3 near Hualien again.
~4.5 Hualien
I was thinking it’s another ghost quake, thank’s for confirming that I’m not crazy