Electoral College Thread

You seem smart enough to do this without the animals. Yer just making dummies hungry. :laughing:

It’s Electoral College for Dummies. We’ll see if it works.

Marco’s not dumb…he’s just Canadian. :grin:

anyone interested in making 270-to-win map predictions just for fun? can post here?

here’s an easy map creator:

It reminded me that Maine and Nebraska can split electoral votes unlike the other states. wonder if that will have impact.

It is here.

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Interesting article on how the EC was almost abolished in 1969. An amendment to abolish was supported by 80% of the voting population, had the support of President Nixon (and his 1968 opponent Hubert Humphrey), was passed by the House 338 to 70 and was supported by 61 votes in the Senate- a majority, but not enough to overcome the filibuster. Most of the opposition came from southern white racists like Strom Thurmond, but politics make strange bedfellows- he called for support from north-eastern black and Jewish figures who figured the EC gave them more influence than they would have otherwise, and pressurd their own senators


I love that Warren Zevon song!

The history.com article linked goes into more detail, interesting indeed. It would still have to have gotten through 34 state legislatures though right? Given smaller states vested interests, I imagine it would be a tall order.

I never knew about the one-state-one-vote principle for a House election when there’s no EC majority.

I’d support term limits for Senators and Representatives before I’d consider EC changes. Most congresspeople go there to die and never have to live under the same laws that common citizens have to.


I think one thing people don’t consider about comparing the popular vote is that people vote differently and candidates campaign differently based on the metric - to what degree difference that makes I’m not sure.

Anyone have detailed data on Arizona’s outstanding ballots? I just listened to a Trumpbot talk about how they believe the outstanding votes will go 60+ for Trump, and that will narrowly give him the state. FFS, I hope this ends soon and conclusively.

Maricopa County election twitter account said a tally dump should occur in about 30 minutes. But, this has been delayed at least once.

True enough- red voters in blue state like eastern Washington, Oregon and California would feel that their votes matter, same as blue voters in places like Alabama or Kansas.
OTOH, Republicans have lost the popular vote in 7 out of the last 8 presidential elections, so I can see why they’d oppose it.

Don’t you think that if the popular vote mattered that perhaps campaigns would be handled differently and therefore different outcomes might have occurred? You seem to contemplate the idea in your preceding sentence, but abandon it in this one.

Whoever gets the most votes is president. Easy peasy, compared to some convoluted systems in other countries (cough USA cough).


The electoral college is just a first passed the post voting system where votes are weighted based on regions. While the electoral college system makes votes from some region more valuable than others, I think first passed the post’s effect of squeezing out smaller parties and allowing a candidate without majority support to win is still much worse and much less democratic.




Just needs more 65 electoral college votes to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

I hear its likely to be found unconstitutional if they get there though.