Electric Car - 0 to 60 mph < 4 secs


It really really ROCKS!

sweet ride and sweet trend for an industry that continues to meet the needs of consumers. this is fringe stuff now, but soon will (and should be) mainstream.

i’ll tell you who killed the electic cars…uh, the petroleum industry.

and we all know who holds stakes in that realm.

the only constant is change.

and the auto industry knows this,

i only hope the energy and fuel conglomerates will catch on.

get a grip (whether it be on the steering wheel or the loss in your market share) things change for the better…

sweet ride…>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whoa, that was fast.

HOLY TORQUE BATMAN!!! That might feel reall nice to drive. I hope it handles well too.

I thought a I read an article where they would be cheaper. At US$100,000 they are pushing close to Ferrari pricing. If it was say US$80,000 might be a nice buy. Still at US$100K, not a bad price for a car that goes to 60 in 4 seconds. This car is more suited for Taiwan though if it generates electricity in stop and go traffic, but then I heard LA is similar.

The car looks great too. Interior a little spartan, but the exterior is hot. If I was back in the USA, I might consider this if I lived in a downtown area with lots of traffic. Wait a minute…it is an electric not a hybrid. It doesn’t generate electricity, or does it? Will have to read the technical specs.

[quote=“JOHN MOSS”]sweet ride and sweet trend for an industry that continues to meet the needs of consumers. this is fringe stuff now, but soon will (and should be) mainstream.

i’ll tell you who killed the electic cars…uh, the petroleum industry.

and we all know who holds stakes in that realm.

the only constant is change.

and the auto industry knows this,

i only hope the energy and fuel conglomerates will catch on.

get a grip (whether it be on the steering wheel or the loss in your market share) things change for the better…

sweet ride…>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whoa, that was fast.[/quote]

Conspirasy theory.

Some think Rudolf Diesel was killed by oil people after stating that he’s engine could runn on vegitable oil.

So how woud you charge up electric car??
Sweden wants to build new nuclear reactors and so do Taiwan. Norway want to build Gas powerplants and in Germany and Denmark they have coal fired powerplants.

They also strugle to produce enough electrisety in the US I belive.

A car neads 100kw or so to have a ok performance and that is enough to light up 100 houses or something.

Geez guys…read the damn article.
It has the answers you’re speculating about.

This was in the local US news recently. I think they’re working on a $50k car. Not sure what kind (not a sports car).

Sweet! :sunglasses:

…and I just noticed it’s designed and manufactured by Lotus in the UK. Very exciting stuff but I’ll believe it when I see it :slight_smile:

I see. I thought it looked very much like Lotus.

TC, thanks very much for continuing to post things about hybrid cars, alternative energy source vehicles, etc.

This particular one is great for the alternative energy “cause”. I think that people see greener cars as being boring necessities. But this car is actually very desirable, not from a day-to-day, penny-pinching viewpoint but from sheer excitement. Granted, an electric car with a bit less power would be even greener. But this car does something good for the whole genre.

I enjoy watching motorsports though I cringe at the waste of resources. But if someone were to organise a real, exciting race with green cars such as this, it would make good TV and good “propaganda” for a very good cause.